Search Results for author: Ankita Gupta

Found 11 papers, 4 papers with code

KaPQA: Knowledge-Augmented Product Question-Answering

no code implementations22 Jul 2024 Swetha Eppalapally, Daksh Dangi, Chaithra Bhat, Ankita Gupta, Ruiyi Zhang, Shubham Agarwal, Karishma Bagga, Seunghyun Yoon, Nedim Lipka, Ryan A. Rossi, Franck Dernoncourt

Question-answering for domain-specific applications has recently attracted much interest due to the latest advancements in large language models (LLMs).

Question Answering RAG +1

CASPR: Automated Evaluation Metric for Contrastive Summarization

1 code implementation23 Apr 2024 Nirupan Ananthamurugan, Dat Duong, Philip George, Ankita Gupta, Sandeep Tata, Beliz Gunel

Summarizing comparative opinions about entities (e. g., hotels, phones) from a set of source reviews, often referred to as contrastive summarization, can considerably aid users in decision making.

Decision Making Natural Language Inference

Evaluating Robustness of Dialogue Summarization Models in the Presence of Naturally Occurring Variations

no code implementations15 Nov 2023 Ankita Gupta, Chulaka Gunasekara, Hui Wan, Jatin Ganhotra, Sachindra Joshi, Marina Danilevsky

We find that both fine-tuned and instruction-tuned models are affected by input variations, with the latter being more susceptible, particularly to dialogue-level perturbations.

Examining Political Rhetoric with Epistemic Stance Detection

1 code implementation29 Dec 2022 Ankita Gupta, Su Lin Blodgett, Justin H Gross, Brendan O'Connor

Participants in political discourse employ rhetorical strategies -- such as hedging, attributions, or denials -- to display varying degrees of belief commitments to claims proposed by themselves or others.

Stance Detection

DEMETR: Diagnosing Evaluation Metrics for Translation

1 code implementation25 Oct 2022 Marzena Karpinska, Nishant Raj, Katherine Thai, Yixiao Song, Ankita Gupta, Mohit Iyyer

While machine translation evaluation metrics based on string overlap (e. g., BLEU) have their limitations, their computations are transparent: the BLEU score assigned to a particular candidate translation can be traced back to the presence or absence of certain words.

Machine Translation Translation

Solomon at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Ensemble Architecture for Fine-Tuned Propaganda Detection in News Articles

no code implementations SEMEVAL 2020 Mayank Raj, Ajay Jaiswal, Rohit R. R, Ankita Gupta, Sudeep Kumar Sahoo, Vertika Srivastava, Yeon Hyang Kim

This paper describes our system (Solomon) details and results of participation in the SemEval 2020 Task 11 "Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles"\cite{DaSanMartinoSemeval20task11}.

Classification General Classification +2

NarrativeTime: Dense Temporal Annotation on a Timeline

no code implementations29 Aug 2019 Anna Rogers, Marzena Karpinska, Ankita Gupta, Vladislav Lialin, Gregory Smelkov, Anna Rumshisky

For the past decade, temporal annotation has been sparse: only a small portion of event pairs in a text was annotated.


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