Search Results for author: Ankur Mali

Found 34 papers, 7 papers with code

TeLU Activation Function for Fast and Stable Deep Learning

1 code implementation28 Dec 2024 Alfredo Fernandez, Ankur Mali

We propose the Hyperbolic Tangent Exponential Linear Unit (TeLU), a neural network hidden activation function defined as TeLU(x)=xtanh(exp(x)).

Computational Efficiency Deep Learning

Tight Stability, Convergence, and Robustness Bounds for Predictive Coding Networks

no code implementations7 Oct 2024 Ankur Mali, Tommaso Salvatori, Alexander Ororbia

Energy-based learning algorithms, such as predictive coding (PC), have garnered significant attention in the machine learning community due to their theoretical properties, such as local operations and biologically plausible mechanisms for error correction.

Precision, Stability, and Generalization: A Comprehensive Assessment of RNNs learnability capability for Classifying Counter and Dyck Languages

no code implementations4 Oct 2024 Neisarg Dave, Daniel Kifer, Lee Giles, Ankur Mali

However, our research challenges this notion by demonstrating that RNNs primarily operate as state machines, where their linguistic capabilities are heavily influenced by the precision of their embeddings and the strategies used for sampling negative examples.

Exploring Learnability in Memory-Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks: Precision, Stability, and Empirical Insights

no code implementations4 Oct 2024 Shrabon Das, Ankur Mali

This study explores the learnability of memory-less and memory-augmented RNNs, which are theoretically equivalent to Pushdown Automata.

A Unified Framework for Continual Learning and Unlearning

no code implementations21 Aug 2024 Romit Chatterjee, Vikram Chundawat, Ayush Tarun, Ankur Mali, Murari Mandal

Continual learning and machine unlearning are crucial challenges in machine learning, typically addressed separately.

Continual Learning Knowledge Distillation +1

Investigating Symbolic Capabilities of Large Language Models

no code implementations21 May 2024 Neisarg Dave, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles, Ankur Mali

However, most research has predominantly focused on language-based reasoning and word problems, often overlooking the potential of LLMs in handling symbol-based calculations and reasoning.

Math Navigate

Neuro-mimetic Task-free Unsupervised Online Learning with Continual Self-Organizing Maps

no code implementations19 Feb 2024 Hitesh Vaidya, Travis Desell, Ankur Mali, Alexander Ororbia

The major challenge that makes crafting such a system difficult is known as catastrophic forgetting - an agent, such as one based on artificial neural networks (ANNs), struggles to retain previously acquired knowledge when learning from new samples.

class-incremental learning Class Incremental Learning +3

A Review of Neuroscience-Inspired Machine Learning

no code implementations16 Feb 2024 Alexander Ororbia, Ankur Mali, Adam Kohan, Beren Millidge, Tommaso Salvatori

As a result, it accommodates hardware and scientific modeling, e. g. learning with physical systems and non-differentiable behavior.

Stable and Robust Deep Learning By Hyperbolic Tangent Exponential Linear Unit (TeLU)

no code implementations5 Feb 2024 Alfredo Fernandez, Ankur Mali

In this paper, we introduce the Hyperbolic Tangent Exponential Linear Unit (TeLU), a novel neural network activation function, represented as $f(x) = x{\cdot}tanh(e^x)$.

Stability Analysis of Various Symbolic Rule Extraction Methods from Recurrent Neural Network

no code implementations4 Feb 2024 Neisarg Dave, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles, Ankur Mali

We sampled the datasets from $7$ Tomita and $4$ Dyck grammars and trained them on $4$ RNN cells: LSTM, GRU, O2RNN, and MIRNN.


On the Computational Complexity and Formal Hierarchy of Second Order Recurrent Neural Networks

no code implementations26 Sep 2023 Ankur Mali, Alexander Ororbia, Daniel Kifer, Lee Giles

In this work, we extend the theoretical foundation for the $2^{nd}$-order recurrent network ($2^{nd}$ RNN) and prove there exists a class of a $2^{nd}$ RNN that is Turing-complete with bounded time.

The Predictive Forward-Forward Algorithm

1 code implementation4 Jan 2023 Alexander Ororbia, Ankur Mali

We propose the predictive forward-forward (PFF) algorithm for conducting credit assignment in neural systems.

Convolutional Neural Generative Coding: Scaling Predictive Coding to Natural Images

no code implementations22 Nov 2022 Alexander Ororbia, Ankur Mali

In this work, we develop convolutional neural generative coding (Conv-NGC), a generalization of predictive coding to the case of convolution/deconvolution-based computation.

Image Denoising

Like a bilingual baby: The advantage of visually grounding a bilingual language model

no code implementations11 Oct 2022 Khai-Nguyen Nguyen, Zixin Tang, Ankur Mali, Alex Kelly

Unlike most neural language models, humans learn language in a rich, multi-sensory and, often, multi-lingual environment.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +3

Active Predicting Coding: Brain-Inspired Reinforcement Learning for Sparse Reward Robotic Control Problems

no code implementations19 Sep 2022 Alexander Ororbia, Ankur Mali

In this article, we propose a backpropagation-free approach to robotic control through the neuro-cognitive computational framework of neural generative coding (NGC), designing an agent built completely from powerful predictive coding/processing circuits that facilitate dynamic, online learning from sparse rewards, embodying the principles of planning-as-inference.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

A Robust Backpropagation-Free Framework for Images

1 code implementation3 Jun 2022 Timothy Zee, Alexander G. Ororbia, Ankur Mali, Ifeoma Nwogu

While current deep learning algorithms have been successful for a wide variety of artificial intelligence (AI) tasks, including those involving structured image data, they present deep neurophysiological conceptual issues due to their reliance on the gradients that are computed by backpropagation of errors (backprop).

Adversarial Robustness

Neural JPEG: End-to-End Image Compression Leveraging a Standard JPEG Encoder-Decoder

no code implementations27 Jan 2022 Ankur Mali, Alexander Ororbia, Daniel Kifer, Lee Giles

In light of this, we propose a system that learns to improve the encoding performance by enhancing its internal neural representations on both the encoder and decoder ends, an approach we call Neural JPEG.

Decoder Image Compression +3

An Empirical Analysis of Recurrent Learning Algorithms In Neural Lossy Image Compression Systems

no code implementations27 Jan 2022 Ankur Mali, Alexander Ororbia, Daniel Kifer, Lee Giles

Recent advances in deep learning have resulted in image compression algorithms that outperform JPEG and JPEG 2000 on the standard Kodak benchmark.

Decoder Image Compression

Backprop-Free Reinforcement Learning with Active Neural Generative Coding

1 code implementation10 Jul 2021 Alexander Ororbia, Ankur Mali

In humans, perceptual awareness facilitates the fast recognition and extraction of information from sensory input.

Q-Learning reinforcement-learning +2

OmniLayout: Room Layout Reconstruction from Indoor Spherical Panoramas

no code implementations19 Apr 2021 Shivansh Rao, Vikas Kumar, Daniel Kifer, Lee Giles, Ankur Mali

A common approach has been to use standard convolutional networks to predict the corners and boundaries, followed by post-processing to generate the 3D layout.

3D Room Layouts From A Single RGB Panorama

Recognizing and Verifying Mathematical Equations using Multiplicative Differential Neural Units

no code implementations7 Apr 2021 Ankur Mali, Alexander Ororbia, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles

Two particular tasks that test this type of reasoning are (1) mathematical equation verification, which requires determining whether trigonometric and linear algebraic statements are valid identities or not, and (2) equation completion, which entails filling in a blank within an expression to make it true.

Mathematical Reasoning

A provably stable neural network Turing Machine

no code implementations5 Jun 2020 John Stogin, Ankur Mali, C. Lee Giles

We introduce a neural stack architecture, including a differentiable parametrized stack operator that approximates stack push and pop operations for suitable choices of parameters that explicitly represents a stack.

Recognizing Long Grammatical Sequences Using Recurrent Networks Augmented With An External Differentiable Stack

no code implementations4 Apr 2020 Ankur Mali, Alexander Ororbia, Daniel Kifer, Clyde Lee Giles

In this paper, we improve the memory-augmented RNN with important architectural and state updating mechanisms that ensure that the model learns to properly balance the use of its latent states with external memory.

Language Modelling Machine Translation +1

Large-Scale Gradient-Free Deep Learning with Recursive Local Representation Alignment

no code implementations10 Feb 2020 Alexander Ororbia, Ankur Mali, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles

Training deep neural networks on large-scale datasets requires significant hardware resources whose costs (even on cloud platforms) put them out of reach of smaller organizations, groups, and individuals.

Sibling Neural Estimators: Improving Iterative Image Decoding with Gradient Communication

no code implementations20 Nov 2019 Ankur Mali, Alexander G. Ororbia, Clyde Lee Giles

For lossy image compression, we develop a neural-based system which learns a nonlinear estimator for decoding from quantized representations.

Decoder Image Compression +1

The Neural State Pushdown Automata

no code implementations7 Sep 2019 Ankur Mali, Alexander Ororbia, C. Lee Giles

The NSPDA is also compared to a classical analog stack neural network pushdown automaton (NNPDA) as well as a wide array of first and second-order RNNs with and without external memory, trained using different learning algorithms.

Incremental Learning Tensor Networks

Lifelong Neural Predictive Coding: Learning Cumulatively Online without Forgetting

no code implementations25 May 2019 Alexander Ororbia, Ankur Mali, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles

In lifelong learning systems based on artificial neural networks, one of the biggest obstacles is the inability to retain old knowledge as new information is encountered.

Continual Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks by Locally Aligning Distributed Representations

2 code implementations17 Oct 2018 Alexander Ororbia, Ankur Mali, C. Lee Giles, Daniel Kifer

We compare our model and learning procedure to other back-propagation through time alternatives (which also tend to be computationally expensive), including real-time recurrent learning, echo state networks, and unbiased online recurrent optimization.

Continual Learning Language Modeling +2

A Neural Temporal Model for Human Motion Prediction

1 code implementation CVPR 2019 Anand Gopalakrishnan, Ankur Mali, Dan Kifer, C. Lee Giles, Alexander G. Ororbia

We propose novel neural temporal models for predicting and synthesizing human motion, achieving state-of-the-art in modeling long-term motion trajectories while being competitive with prior work in short-term prediction and requiring significantly less computation.

Human motion prediction motion prediction +1

Biologically Motivated Algorithms for Propagating Local Target Representations

1 code implementation26 May 2018 Alexander G. Ororbia, Ankur Mali

Finding biologically plausible alternatives to back-propagation of errors is a fundamentally important challenge in artificial neural network research.

Learned Neural Iterative Decoding for Lossy Image Compression Systems

no code implementations15 Mar 2018 Alexander G. Ororbia, Ankur Mali, Jian Wu, Scott O'Connell, David Miller, C. Lee Giles

For lossy image compression systems, we develop an algorithm, iterative refinement, to improve the decoder's reconstruction compared to standard decoding techniques.

Decoder Image Compression

Conducting Credit Assignment by Aligning Local Representations

no code implementations5 Mar 2018 Alexander G. Ororbia, Ankur Mali, Daniel Kifer, C. Lee Giles

Using back-propagation and its variants to train deep networks is often problematic for new users.

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