no code implementations • PaM 2020 • Anna Marakasova, Julia Neidhardt
In order to investigate how exactly the contextual meanings have changed, we measure cosine similarity between the following pairs of words: words describing the refugee crisis, on the one hand, and words indicating the process of mediatization and politicization of the refugee crisis in Austria proposed by a domain expert, on the other hand.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Klaus Hofmann, Anna Marakasova, Andreas Baumann, Julia Neidhardt, Tanja Wissik
Most diachronic studies on both lexico-semantic change and political language usage are based on individual or comparable corpora.
1 code implementation • WS 2016 • Andrey Kutuzov, Elizaveta Kuzmenko, Anna Marakasova
We present an approach to detect differences in lexical semantics across English language registers, using word embedding models from distributional semantics paradigm.