1 code implementation • 14 Apr 2020 • Rediet Abebe, Salvatore Giorgi, Anna Tedijanto, Anneke Buffone, H. Andrew Schwartz
While most mortality rates have decreased in the US, maternal mortality has increased and is among the highest of any OECD nation.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • João Sedoc, Sven Buechel, Yehonathan Nachmany, Anneke Buffone, Lyle Ungar
The underlying problem of learning word ratings from higher-level supervision has to date only been addressed in an ad hoc fashion and has not used deep learning methods.
1 code implementation • 19 Nov 2018 • Sharath Chandra Guntuku, Anneke Buffone, Kokil Jaidka, Johannes Eichstaedt, Lyle Ungar
In this paper, we explore the language of psychological stress with a dataset of 601 social media users, who answered the Perceived Stress Scale questionnaire and also consented to share their Facebook and Twitter data.
no code implementations • EMNLP 2018 • Masoud Rouhizadeh, Kokil Jaidka, Laura Smith, H. Andrew Schwartz, Anneke Buffone, Lyle Ungar
Individuals express their locus of control, or {``}control{''}, in their language when they identify whether or not they are in control of their circumstances.
1 code implementation • EMNLP 2018 • Sven Buechel, Anneke Buffone, Barry Slaff, Lyle Ungar, João Sedoc
Computational detection and understanding of empathy is an important factor in advancing human-computer interaction.
no code implementations • WS 2018 • Mohammadzaman Zamani, Anneke Buffone, H. Andrew Schwartz
Trustfulness -- one's general tendency to have confidence in unknown people or situations -- predicts many important real-world outcomes such as mental health and likelihood to cooperate with others such as clinicians.