Search Results for author: Anru Zhang

Found 15 papers, 1 papers with code

Estimating Higher-Order Mixed Memberships via the $\ell_{2,\infty}$ Tensor Perturbation Bound

no code implementations16 Dec 2022 Joshua Agterberg, Anru Zhang

Higher-order multiway data is ubiquitous in machine learning and statistics and often exhibits community-like structures, where each component (node) along each different mode has a community membership associated with it.

Learning Good State and Action Representations via Tensor Decomposition

no code implementations3 May 2021 Chengzhuo Ni, Yaqi Duan, Munther Dahleh, Anru Zhang, Mengdi Wang

The transition kernel of a continuous-state-action Markov decision process (MDP) admits a natural tensor structure.

Tensor Decomposition

ISLET: Fast and Optimal Low-rank Tensor Regression via Importance Sketching

no code implementations9 Nov 2019 Anru Zhang, Yuetian Luo, Garvesh Raskutti, Ming Yuan

In this paper, we develop a novel procedure for low-rank tensor regression, namely \emph{\underline{I}mportance \underline{S}ketching \underline{L}ow-rank \underline{E}stimation for \underline{T}ensors} (ISLET).

Distributed Computing regression

Learning Markov models via low-rank optimization

no code implementations28 Jun 2019 Ziwei Zhu, Xudong Li, Mengdi Wang, Anru Zhang

We show that one can estimate the full transition model accurately using a trajectory of length that is proportional to the total number of states.

Decision Making Sequential Decision Making

Optimal Sparse Singular Value Decomposition for High-dimensional High-order Data

no code implementations6 Sep 2018 Anru Zhang, Rungang Han

In this article, we consider the sparse tensor singular value decomposition, which aims for dimension reduction on high-dimensional high-order data with certain sparsity structure.

Dimensionality Reduction Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Estimation of Markov Chain via Rank-Constrained Likelihood

no code implementations ICML 2018 Xudong Li, Mengdi Wang, Anru Zhang

This paper studies the estimation of low-rank Markov chains from empirical trajectories.

Spectral State Compression of Markov Processes

no code implementations8 Feb 2018 Anru Zhang, Mengdi Wang

Model reduction of Markov processes is a basic problem in modeling state-transition systems.


Sparse and Low-rank Tensor Estimation via Cubic Sketchings

no code implementations29 Jan 2018 Botao Hao, Anru Zhang, Guang Cheng

In this paper, we propose a general framework for sparse and low-rank tensor estimation from cubic sketchings.

regression Tensor Decomposition

Multi-sample Estimation of Bacterial Composition Matrix in Metagenomics Data

1 code implementation7 Jun 2017 Yuanpei Cao, Anru Zhang, Hongzhe Li

Metagenomics sequencing is routinely applied to quantify bacterial abundances in microbiome studies, where the bacterial composition is estimated based on the sequencing read counts.

Methodology Applications Computation

Tensor SVD: Statistical and Computational Limits

no code implementations8 Mar 2017 Anru Zhang, Dong Xia

In this paper, we propose a general framework for tensor singular value decomposition (tensor SVD), which focuses on the methodology and theory for extracting the hidden low-rank structure from high-dimensional tensor data.

Cross: Efficient Low-rank Tensor Completion

no code implementations3 Nov 2016 Anru Zhang

The proposed procedure is efficient and easy to implement.

Semi-supervised Inference: General Theory and Estimation of Means

no code implementations23 Jun 2016 Anru Zhang, Lawrence D. Brown, T. Tony Cai

Estimators are proposed along with corresponding confidence intervals for the population mean.

Structured Matrix Completion with Applications to Genomic Data Integration

no code implementations8 Apr 2015 Tianxi Cai, T. Tony Cai, Anru Zhang

Matrix completion has attracted significant recent attention in many fields including statistics, applied mathematics and electrical engineering.

Data Integration Electrical Engineering +1

ROP: Matrix recovery via rank-one projections

no code implementations22 Oct 2013 T. Tony Cai, Anru Zhang

In this paper, we introduce a rank-one projection model for low-rank matrix recovery and propose a constrained nuclear norm minimization method for stable recovery of low-rank matrices in the noisy case.

Sparse Representation of a Polytope and Recovery of Sparse Signals and Low-rank Matrices

no code implementations5 Jun 2013 T. Tony Cai, Anru Zhang

It is shown that for any given constant $t\ge {4/3}$, in compressed sensing $\delta_{tk}^A < \sqrt{(t-1)/t}$ guarantees the exact recovery of all $k$ sparse signals in the noiseless case through the constrained $\ell_1$ minimization, and similarly in affine rank minimization $\delta_{tr}^\mathcal{M}< \sqrt{(t-1)/t}$ ensures the exact reconstruction of all matrices with rank at most $r$ in the noiseless case via the constrained nuclear norm minimization.

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