Search Results for author: Anthony Gosselin

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

CtRL-Sim: Reactive and Controllable Driving Agents with Offline Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations29 Mar 2024 Luke Rowe, Roger Girgis, Anthony Gosselin, Bruno Carrez, Florian Golemo, Felix Heide, Liam Paull, Christopher Pal

In this work, we take an alternative approach and propose CtRL-Sim, a method that leverages return-conditioned offline reinforcement learning (RL) to efficiently generate reactive and controllable traffic agents.

counterfactual Offline RL +3

Real-time Audio Video Enhancement \\with a Microphone Array and Headphones

no code implementations2 Mar 2023 Jacob Kealey, Anthony Gosselin, Étienne Deshaies-Samson, Francis Cardinal, Félix Ducharme-Turcotte, Olivier Bergeron, Amélie Rioux-Joyal, Jérémy Bélec, François Grondin

Results demonstrate the feasibility of the approach, and opens the door to the exploration and validation of a wide range of beamformer and speech enhancement methods for real-time speech enhancement.

Face Detection Speech Enhancement +1

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