Search Results for author: Antoine Toisoul

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

Move Anything with Layered Scene Diffusion

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Jiawei Ren, Mengmeng Xu, Jui-Chieh Wu, Ziwei Liu, Tao Xiang, Antoine Toisoul

Diffusion models generate images with an unprecedented level of quality, but how can we freely rearrange image layouts?

Denoising Disentanglement

Learning Garment DensePose for Robust Warping in Virtual Try-On

1 code implementation30 Mar 2023 Aiyu Cui, Sen He, Tao Xiang, Antoine Toisoul

In this work, we propose a robust warping method for virtual try-on based on a learned garment DensePose which has a direct correspondence with the person's DensePose.

Virtual Try-on

Few-shot Action Recognition with Prototype-centered Attentive Learning

1 code implementation20 Jan 2021 Xiatian Zhu, Antoine Toisoul, Juan-Manuel Perez-Rua, Li Zhang, Brais Martinez, Tao Xiang

Extensive experiments on four standard few-shot action benchmarks show that our method clearly outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods, with the improvement particularly significant (10+\%) on the most challenging fine-grained action recognition benchmark.

Contrastive Learning Few-Shot action recognition +3

Egocentric Action Recognition by Video Attention and Temporal Context

no code implementations3 Jul 2020 Juan-Manuel Perez-Rua, Antoine Toisoul, Brais Martinez, Victor Escorcia, Li Zhang, Xiatian Zhu, Tao Xiang

In this challenge, action recognition is posed as the problem of simultaneously predicting a single `verb' and `noun' class label given an input trimmed video clip.

Action Recognition

Factorized Higher-Order CNNs with an Application to Spatio-Temporal Emotion Estimation

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Jean Kossaifi, Antoine Toisoul, Adrian Bulat, Yannis Panagakis, Timothy Hospedales, Maja Pantic

To alleviate this, one approach is to apply low-rank tensor decompositions to convolution kernels in order to compress the network and reduce its number of parameters.

Emotion Recognition Image Classification

SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Sentiment Research in the Wild

1 code implementation9 Jan 2019 Jean Kossaifi, Robert Walecki, Yannis Panagakis, Jie Shen, Maximilian Schmitt, Fabien Ringeval, Jing Han, Vedhas Pandit, Antoine Toisoul, Bjorn Schuller, Kam Star, Elnar Hajiyev, Maja Pantic

Natural human-computer interaction and audio-visual human behaviour sensing systems, which would achieve robust performance in-the-wild are more needed than ever as digital devices are increasingly becoming an indispensable part of our life.

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