Search Results for author: Antoine Wehenkel

Found 17 papers, 11 papers with code

Leveraging Cardiovascular Simulations for In-Vivo Prediction of Cardiac Biomarkers

no code implementations23 Dec 2024 Laura Manduchi, Antoine Wehenkel, Jens Behrmann, Luca Pegolotti, Andy C. Miller, Ozan Sener, Marco Cuturi, Guillermo Sapiro, Jörn-Henrik Jacobsen

Whole-body hemodynamics simulators, which model blood flow and pressure waveforms as functions of physiological parameters, are now essential tools for studying cardiovascular systems.

Addressing Misspecification in Simulation-based Inference through Data-driven Calibration

no code implementations14 May 2024 Antoine Wehenkel, Juan L. Gamella, Ozan Sener, Jens Behrmann, Guillermo Sapiro, Marco Cuturi, Jörn-Henrik Jacobsen

Driven by steady progress in generative modeling, simulation-based inference (SBI) has enabled inference over stochastic simulators.

Simulation-based Inference for Cardiovascular Models

no code implementations26 Jul 2023 Antoine Wehenkel, Laura Manduchi, Jens Behrmann, Luca Pegolotti, Andrew C. Miller, Guillermo Sapiro, Ozan Sener, Marco Cuturi, Jörn-Henrik Jacobsen

Over the past decades, hemodynamics simulators have steadily evolved and have become tools of choice for studying cardiovascular systems in-silico.

Towards Reliable Simulation-Based Inference with Balanced Neural Ratio Estimation

1 code implementation29 Aug 2022 Arnaud Delaunoy, Joeri Hermans, François Rozet, Antoine Wehenkel, Gilles Louppe

In this work, we introduce Balanced Neural Ratio Estimation (BNRE), a variation of the NRE algorithm designed to produce posterior approximations that tend to be more conservative, hence improving their reliability, while sharing the same Bayes optimal solution.

Robust Hybrid Learning With Expert Augmentation

1 code implementation8 Feb 2022 Antoine Wehenkel, Jens Behrmann, Hsiang Hsu, Guillermo Sapiro, Gilles Louppe, Jörn-Henrik Jacobsen

Hybrid modelling reduces the misspecification of expert models by combining them with machine learning (ML) components learned from data.

Data Augmentation valid

A Trust Crisis In Simulation-Based Inference? Your Posterior Approximations Can Be Unfaithful

4 code implementations13 Oct 2021 Joeri Hermans, Arnaud Delaunoy, François Rozet, Antoine Wehenkel, Volodimir Begy, Gilles Louppe

We present extensive empirical evidence showing that current Bayesian simulation-based inference algorithms can produce computationally unfaithful posterior approximations.

Diffusion Priors In Variational Autoencoders

no code implementations ICML Workshop INNF 2021 Antoine Wehenkel, Gilles Louppe

Among likelihood-based approaches for deep generative modelling, variational autoencoders (VAEs) offer scalable amortized posterior inference and fast sampling.


Distributional Reinforcement Learning with Unconstrained Monotonic Neural Networks

1 code implementation6 Jun 2021 Thibaut Théate, Antoine Wehenkel, Adrien Bolland, Gilles Louppe, Damien Ernst

The results highlight the main strengths and weaknesses associated with each probability metric together with an important limitation of the Wasserstein distance.

Distributional Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +3

A Probabilistic Forecast-Driven Strategy for a Risk-Aware Participation in the Capacity Firming Market: extended version

2 code implementations28 May 2021 Jonathan Dumas, Colin Cointe, Antoine Wehenkel, Antonio Sutera, Xavier Fettweis, Bertrand Cornélusse

This paper addresses the energy management of a grid-connected renewable generation plant coupled with a battery energy storage device in the capacity firming market, designed to promote renewable power generation facilities in small non-interconnected grids.

energy management Management

Neural Empirical Bayes: Source Distribution Estimation and its Applications to Simulation-Based Inference

1 code implementation11 Nov 2020 Maxime Vandegar, Michael Kagan, Antoine Wehenkel, Gilles Louppe

We revisit empirical Bayes in the absence of a tractable likelihood function, as is typical in scientific domains relying on computer simulations.

Lightning-Fast Gravitational Wave Parameter Inference through Neural Amortization

no code implementations24 Oct 2020 Arnaud Delaunoy, Antoine Wehenkel, Tanja Hinderer, Samaya Nissanke, Christoph Weniger, Andrew R. Williamson, Gilles Louppe

Gravitational waves from compact binaries measured by the LIGO and Virgo detectors are routinely analyzed using Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithms.

Graphical Normalizing Flows

4 code implementations3 Jun 2020 Antoine Wehenkel, Gilles Louppe

From this new perspective, we propose the graphical normalizing flow, a new invertible transformation with either a prescribed or a learnable graphical structure.

Density Estimation

You say Normalizing Flows I see Bayesian Networks

no code implementations1 Jun 2020 Antoine Wehenkel, Gilles Louppe

Normalizing flows have emerged as an important family of deep neural networks for modelling complex probability distributions.

Unconstrained Monotonic Neural Networks

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Antoine Wehenkel, Gilles Louppe

Monotonic neural networks have recently been proposed as a way to define invertible transformations.

Density Estimation Variational Inference

Introducing Neuromodulation in Deep Neural Networks to Learn Adaptive Behaviours

1 code implementation21 Dec 2018 Nicolas Vecoven, Damien Ernst, Antoine Wehenkel, Guillaume Drion

Animals excel at adapting their intentions, attention, and actions to the environment, making them remarkably efficient at interacting with a rich, unpredictable and ever-changing external world, a property that intelligent machines currently lack.

Meta Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement Learning

Recurrent machines for likelihood-free inference

1 code implementation30 Nov 2018 Arthur Pesah, Antoine Wehenkel, Gilles Louppe

Likelihood-free inference is concerned with the estimation of the parameters of a non-differentiable stochastic simulator that best reproduce real observations.


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