Search Results for author: Anton Kolonin

Found 19 papers, 3 papers with code

Application of Liquid Rank Reputation System for Twitter Trend Analysis on Bitcoin

no code implementations25 Jun 2024 Abhishek Saxena, Anton Kolonin

The paper proposes the implementation, challenges, and future scope of the liquid rank reputation model.

Diversity Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Evolution of Efficient Symbolic Communication Codes

no code implementations4 Jun 2023 Anton Kolonin

The paper presents preliminary results of cross-lingual word-level segmentation tokenisation study for Russian, Chinese and English as well as subword segmentation or morphological parsing study for English.

Meta-Learning Segmentation

Self-tuning hyper-parameters for unsupervised cross-lingual tokenization

no code implementations4 Mar 2023 Anton Kolonin

In case of Chinese, we find a significant correlation between the F 1 score and the compression factor.


Cognitive Architecture for Decision-Making Based on Brain Principles Programming (in Russian)

no code implementations18 Feb 2023 Anton Kolonin, Andrey Kurpatov, Artem Molchanov, Gennadiy Averyanov

We describe a cognitive architecture intended to solve a wide range of problems based on the five identified principles of brain activity, with their implementation in three subsystems: logical-probabilistic inference, probabilistic formal concepts, and functional systems theory.

Decision Making

Application of Liquid Rank Reputation System for Content Recommendation

no code implementations15 Sep 2022 Abhishek Saxena, Anton Kolonin

This paper analyzes the dataset based on cryptocurrency news on Twitter to find the opinion leader using the liquid rank reputation system.

Diversity Recommendation Systems

Unsupervised Tokenization Learning

no code implementations23 May 2022 Anton Kolonin, Vignav Ramesh

In the presented study, we discover that the so-called "transition freedom" metric appears superior for unsupervised tokenization purposes in comparison to statistical metrics such as mutual information and conditional probability, providing F-measure scores in range from 0. 71 to 1. 0 across explored multilingual corpora.

Text Segmentation

Adaptive Multi-Strategy Market-Making Agent For Volatile Markets

no code implementations28 Apr 2022 Ali Raheman, Anton Kolonin, Alexey Glushchenko, Arseniy Fokin, Ikram Ansari

Crypto-currency market uncertainty drives the need to find adaptive solutions to maximise gain or at least to avoid loss throughout the periods of trading activity.

Causal Analysis of Generic Time Series Data Applied for Market Prediction

no code implementations22 Apr 2022 Anton Kolonin, Ali Raheman, Mukul Vishwas, Ikram Ansari, Juan Pinzon, Alice Ho

We explore the applicability of the causal analysis based on temporally shifted (lagged) Pearson correlation applied to diverse time series of different natures in context of the problem of financial market prediction.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

Social Media Sentiment Analysis for Cryptocurrency Market Prediction

no code implementations19 Apr 2022 Ali Raheman, Anton Kolonin, Igors Fridkins, Ikram Ansari, Mukul Vishwas

In this paper, we explore the usability of different natural language processing models for the sentiment analysis of social media applied to financial market prediction, using the cryptocurrency domain as a reference.

Sentiment Analysis

Cognitive Architecture for Decision-Making Based on Brain Principles Programming

no code implementations17 Apr 2022 Anton Kolonin, Andrey Kurpatov, Artem Molchanov, Gennadiy Averyanov

We describe a cognitive architecture intended to solve a wide range of problems based on the five identified principles of brain activity, with their implementation in three subsystems: logical-probabilistic inference, probabilistic formal concepts, and functional systems theory.

Decision Making

Brain Principles Programming

no code implementations13 Feb 2022 Evgenii Vityaev, Anton Kolonin, Andrey Kurpatov, Artem Molchanov

In this paper, for the description and modeling of Brain Principles Programming, it is proposed to apply mathematical models and algorithms developed by us earlier that model cognitive functions, which are based on well-known physiological, psychological and other natural science theories.

High-performance automatic categorization and attribution of inventory catalogs

no code implementations9 Feb 2022 Anton Kolonin

Techniques of machine learning for automatic text categorization are applied and adapted for the problem of inventory catalog data attribution, with different approaches explored and optimal solution addressing the tradeoff between accuracy and performance is selected.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Text Categorization +1

Architecture of Automated Crypto-Finance Agent

no code implementations16 Jul 2021 Ali Raheman, Anton Kolonin, Ben Goertzel, Gergely Hegykozi, Ikram Ansari

We present the cognitive architecture of an autonomous agent for active portfolio management in decentralized finance, involving activities such as asset selection, portfolio balancing, liquidity provision, and trading.


Natural Language Generation Using Link Grammar for General Conversational Intelligence

1 code implementation19 Apr 2021 Vignav Ramesh, Anton Kolonin

Many current artificial general intelligence (AGI) and natural language processing (NLP) architectures do not possess general conversational intelligence--that is, they either do not deal with language or are unable to convey knowledge in a form similar to the human language without manual, labor-intensive methods such as template-based customization.

Question Answering Text Generation +1

Interpretable Natural Language Segmentation Based on Link Grammar

1 code implementation14 Nov 2020 Vignav Ramesh, Anton Kolonin

Natural language segmentation (NLS), or text segmentation, refers to the process of dividing written text into meaningful units.

Question Answering Retrieval +4

Controlled Language and Baby Turing Test for General Conversational Intelligence

no code implementations19 May 2020 Anton Kolonin

General conversational intelligence appears to be an important part of artificial general intelligence.

Latent Semantic Search and Information Extraction Architecture

no code implementations30 Nov 2019 Anton Kolonin

The motivation, concept, design and implementation of latent semantic search for search engines have limited semantic search, entity extraction and property attribution features, have insufficient accuracy and response time of latent search, may impose privacy concerns and the search results are unavailable in offline mode for robotic search operations.

Entity Extraction using GAN

Representing scenarios for process evolution management

no code implementations5 Jul 2018 Anton Kolonin

In the following writing we discuss a conceptual framework for representing events and scenarios from the perspective of a novel form of causal analysis.


A Reputation System for Artificial Societies

1 code implementation19 Jun 2018 Anton Kolonin, Ben Goertzel, Deborah Duong, Matt Ikle

One approach to achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI) is through the emergence of complex structures and dynamic properties arising from decentralized networks of interacting artificial intelligence (AI) agents.

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