Search Results for author: Anton Zeilinger

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Computer-inspired Quantum Experiments

no code implementations23 Feb 2020 Mario Krenn, Manuel Erhard, Anton Zeilinger

We discuss several extensions and alternatives based on optimization and machine learning techniques, with the potential of accelerating the discovery of practical computer-inspired experiments or concepts in the future.

Reinforcement Learning

Predicting Research Trends with Semantic and Neural Networks with an application in Quantum Physics

1 code implementation17 Jun 2019 Mario Krenn, Anton Zeilinger

We train a deep neural network using states of SemNet of the past, to predict future developments in quantum physics research, and confirm high quality predictions using historic data.

Active learning machine learns to create new quantum experiments

no code implementations2 Jun 2017 Alexey A. Melnikov, Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup, Mario Krenn, Vedran Dunjko, Markus Tiersch, Anton Zeilinger, Hans J. Briegel

We investigate this question by using the projective simulation model, a physics-oriented approach to artificial intelligence.

Active Learning

Experimental Demonstration of Blind Quantum Computing

no code implementations6 Oct 2011 Stefanie Barz, Elham Kashefi, Anne Broadbent, Joseph F. Fitzsimons, Anton Zeilinger, Philip Walther

Quantum computers, besides offering substantial computational speedups, are also expected to provide the possibility of preserving the privacy of a computation.

Quantum Physics

Going Beyond Bell's Theorem

no code implementations6 Dec 2007 Daniel M. Greenberger, Michael A. Horne, Anton Zeilinger

Bell's Theorem proved that one cannot in general reproduce the results of quantum theory with a classical, deterministic local model.

Quantum Physics

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