Search Results for author: Antonios Valkanas

Found 8 papers, 5 papers with code

ECGN: A Cluster-Aware Approach to Graph Neural Networks for Imbalanced Classification

1 code implementation15 Oct 2024 Bishal Thapaliya, Anh Nguyen, Yao Lu, Tian Xie, Igor Grudetskyi, Fudong Lin, Antonios Valkanas, Jingyu Liu, Deepayan Chakraborty, Bilel Fehri

We propose the Enhanced Cluster-aware Graph Network (ECGN), a novel method that addresses these issues by integrating cluster-specific training with synthetic node generation.

imbalanced classification

MODL: Multilearner Online Deep Learning

1 code implementation28 May 2024 Antonios Valkanas, Boris N. Oreshkin, Mark Coates

This further leads us to the cascaded multilearner design, in which multiple shallow and deep learners are co-trained to solve the online learning problem in a cooperative, synergistic fashion.

Deep Learning Learning Theory

Structure Aware Incremental Learning with Personalized Imitation Weights for Recommender Systems

no code implementations2 May 2023 Yuening Wang, Yingxue Zhang, Antonios Valkanas, Ruiming Tang, Chen Ma, Jianye Hao, Mark Coates

In contrast, for users who have static preferences, model performance can benefit greatly from preserving as much of the user's long-term preferences as possible.

Incremental Learning Knowledge Distillation +1

Contrastive Learning for Time Series on Dynamic Graphs

no code implementations21 Sep 2022 Yitian Zhang, Florence Regol, Antonios Valkanas, Mark Coates

We propose a framework called GraphTNC for unsupervised learning of joint representations of the graph and the time-series.

Activity Recognition Anomaly Detection +3

Bag Graph: Multiple Instance Learning using Bayesian Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation22 Feb 2022 Soumyasundar Pal, Antonios Valkanas, Florence Regol, Mark Coates

Since a meaningful graph representing dependencies between bags is rarely available, we propose to use a Bayesian GNN framework that can generate a likely graph structure for scenarios where there is uncertainty in the graph or when no graph is available.

Multiple Instance Learning Weakly-supervised Learning

Motion Inbetweening via Deep $Δ$-Interpolator

1 code implementation18 Jan 2022 Boris N. Oreshkin, Antonios Valkanas, Félix G. Harvey, Louis-Simon Ménard, Florent Bocquelet, Mark J. Coates

We show that the task of synthesizing human motion conditioned on a set of key frames can be solved more accurately and effectively if a deep learning based interpolator operates in the delta mode using the spherical linear interpolator as a baseline.

Motion Synthesis

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