Search Results for author: Anuj Chauhan

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

UNITE: A Unified Benchmark for Text-to-SQL Evaluation

1 code implementation25 May 2023 Wuwei Lan, Zhiguo Wang, Anuj Chauhan, Henghui Zhu, Alexander Li, Jiang Guo, Sheng Zhang, Chung-Wei Hang, Joseph Lilien, Yiqun Hu, Lin Pan, Mingwen Dong, Jun Wang, Jiarong Jiang, Stephen Ash, Vittorio Castelli, Patrick Ng, Bing Xiang

A practical text-to-SQL system should generalize well on a wide variety of natural language questions, unseen database schemas, and novel SQL query structures.


Importance of Synthesizing High-quality Data for Text-to-SQL Parsing

no code implementations17 Dec 2022 Yiyun Zhao, Jiarong Jiang, Yiqun Hu, Wuwei Lan, Henry Zhu, Anuj Chauhan, Alexander Li, Lin Pan, Jun Wang, Chung-Wei Hang, Sheng Zhang, Marvin Dong, Joe Lilien, Patrick Ng, Zhiguo Wang, Vittorio Castelli, Bing Xiang

In this paper, we first examined the existing synthesized datasets and discovered that state-of-the-art text-to-SQL algorithms did not further improve on popular benchmarks when trained with augmented synthetic data.

SQL Parsing SQL-to-Text +2

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