Search Results for author: Anum Afzal

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Towards Optimizing a Retrieval Augmented Generation using Large Language Model on Academic Data

no code implementations13 Nov 2024 Anum Afzal, Juraj Vladika, Gentrit Fazlija, Andrei Staradubets, Florian Matthes

Given the growing trend of many organizations integrating Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) into their operations, we assess RAG on domain-specific data and test state-of-the-art models across various optimization techniques.

In-Context Learning Language Modeling +3

AdaptEval: Evaluating Large Language Models on Domain Adaptation for Text Summarization

1 code implementation16 Jul 2024 Anum Afzal, Ribin Chalumattu, Florian Matthes, Laura Mascarell

Despite the advances in the abstractive summarization task using Large Language Models (LLM), there is a lack of research that asses their abilities to easily adapt to different domains.

Abstractive Text Summarization Domain Adaptation +1

Towards Optimizing and Evaluating a Retrieval Augmented QA Chatbot using LLMs with Human in the Loop

no code implementations8 Jul 2024 Anum Afzal, Alexander Kowsik, Rajna Fani, Florian Matthes

Large Language Models have found application in various mundane and repetitive tasks including Human Resource (HR) support.

Chatbot Retrieval

Investigating Conversational Search Behavior For Domain Exploration

1 code implementation10 Jan 2023 Phillip Schneider, Anum Afzal, Juraj Vladika, Daniel Braun, Florian Matthes

Conversational search has evolved as a new information retrieval paradigm, marking a shift from traditional search systems towards interactive dialogues with intelligent search agents.

Conversational Search Information Retrieval +1

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