Search Results for author: Anura Jayasumana

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

A Pre-training Oracle for Predicting Distances in Social Networks

no code implementations6 Jun 2021 Gunjan Mahindre, Randy Paffenroth, Anura Jayasumana, Rasika Karkare

OSP can be easily extended to other domains such as random networks by choosing an appropriate model to generate synthetic training data, and therefore promises to impact many different network learning problems.

Low-Rank Matrix Completion

Adversarial Data Generation of Multi-category Marked Temporal Point Processes with Sparse, Incomplete, and Small Training Samples

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Shashika Ranga Muramudalige, Anura Jayasumana, Haonan Wang

The transformation of training data to the distribution facilitates the accurate capture of underlying process characteristics despite the sparseness and incompleteness of data.

Point Processes

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