Search Results for author: Anush Sankaran

Found 16 papers, 2 papers with code

Reducing Overlearning through Disentangled Representations by Suppressing Unknown Tasks

1 code implementation20 May 2020 Naveen Panwar, Tarun Tater, Anush Sankaran, Senthil Mani

Existing deep learning approaches for learning visual features tend to overlearn and extract more information than what is required for the task at hand.

Attribute Diversity +1

"You might also like this model": Data Driven Approach for Recommending Deep Learning Models for Unknown Image Datasets

1 code implementation26 Nov 2019 Ameya Prabhu, Riddhiman Dasgupta, Anush Sankaran, Srikanth Tamilselvam, Senthil Mani

Further, we predict the performance accuracy of the recommended architecture on the given unknown dataset, without the need for training the model.

AuthorGAN: Improving GAN Reproducibility using a Modular GAN Framework

no code implementations26 Nov 2019 Raunak Sinha, Anush Sankaran, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh

Five different GAN models are implemented as a part of this framework and the performance of the different GAN models are shown using the benchmark MNIST dataset.

Coverage Testing of Deep Learning Models using Dataset Characterization

no code implementations17 Nov 2019 Senthil Mani, Anush Sankaran, Srikanth Tamilselvam, Akshay Sethi

Further, we conduct various experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of systematic test case generation system for evaluating deep learning models.

Autonomous Driving Image Classification

A Visual Programming Paradigm for Abstract Deep Learning Model Development

no code implementations7 May 2019 Srikanth Tamilselvam, Naveen Panwar, Shreya Khare, Rahul Aralikatte, Anush Sankaran, Senthil Mani

Deep learning is one of the fastest growing technologies in computer science with a plethora of applications.

On Matching Faces with Alterations due to Plastic Surgery and Disguise

no code implementations18 Nov 2018 Saksham Suri, Anush Sankaran, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh

In this paper, a novel framework is proposed which transfers fundamental visual features learnt from a generic image dataset to supplement a supervised face recognition model.

Face Recognition

Explaining Deep Learning Models using Causal Inference

no code implementations11 Nov 2018 Tanmayee Narendra, Anush Sankaran, Deepak Vijaykeerthy, Senthil Mani

Although deep learning models have been successfully applied to a variety of tasks, due to the millions of parameters, they are becoming increasingly opaque and complex.

Causal Inference counterfactual

DeepTriage: Exploring the Effectiveness of Deep Learning for Bug Triaging

no code implementations4 Jan 2018 Senthil Mani, Anush Sankaran, Rahul Aralikatte

Using an attention mechanism enables the model to learn the context representation over a long word sequence, as in a bug report.

Sanskrit Sandhi Splitting using seq2(seq)^2

no code implementations1 Jan 2018 Rahul Aralikatte, Neelamadhav Gantayat, Naveen Panwar, Anush Sankaran, Senthil Mani

In Sanskrit, small words (morphemes) are combined to form compound words through a process known as Sandhi.

Chinese Word Segmentation Decoder

DLPaper2Code: Auto-generation of Code from Deep Learning Research Papers

no code implementations9 Nov 2017 Akshay Sethi, Anush Sankaran, Naveen Panwar, Shreya Khare, Senthil Mani

To address these challenges, we propose a novel extensible approach, DLPaper2Code, to extract and understand deep learning design flow diagrams and tables available in a research paper and convert them to an abstract computational graph.


mAnI: Movie Amalgamation using Neural Imitation

no code implementations16 Aug 2017 Naveen Panwar, Shreya Khare, Neelamadhav Gantayat, Rahul Aralikatte, Senthil Mani, Anush Sankaran

Cross-modal data retrieval has been the basis of various creative tasks performed by Artificial Intelligence (AI).


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