Search Results for author: Anzhong Wang

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Spherically symmetric static black holes in Einstein-aether theory

no code implementations13 Apr 2020 Chao Zhang, Xiang Zhao, Kai Lin, Shaojun Zhang, Wen Zhao, Anzhong Wang

In particular, we find that, out of the five non-trivial field equations, only three are independent, so the problem is well-posed, as now generically there are only three unknown functions, {$F(r), B(r), A(r)$, where $F$ and $B$ are metric coefficients, and $A$ describes the aether field.}

General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology Astrophysics of Galaxies High Energy Physics - Phenomenology High Energy Physics - Theory

Two 3-Branes in Randall-Sundrum Setup and Current Acceleration of the Universe

no code implementations17 Jul 2006 Anzhong Wang, Rong-Gen Cai, N. O. Santos

The global structure of the bulk as well as the 3-branes is also studied, and found that in some cases the solutions may represent the collision of two orbifold 3-branes.


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