3 code implementations • 29 Mar 2019 • Tianyi Peng, Aram Harrow, Maris Ozols, Xiaodi Wu
The tensor network of such a circuit can be decomposed into clusters of size at most $d$ with at most $K$ qubits of inter-cluster quantum communication.
Quantum Physics
no code implementations • 16 Jan 2019 • Aram Harrow, John Napp
We define a simple class of problems for which a variational algorithm based on low-depth gradient measurements and stochastic gradient descent converges to the optimum substantially faster than any possible strategy based on estimating the objective function itself, and show that stochastic gradient descent is essentially optimal for this problem.
Quantum Physics Optimization and Control
no code implementations • 10 Jul 2012 • Robert Beals, Stephen Brierley, Oliver Gray, Aram Harrow, Samuel Kutin, Noah Linden, Dan Shepherd, Mark Stather
We provide algorithms for efficiently addressing quantum memory in parallel.
Quantum Physics