Search Results for author: Archan Misra

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

EyeTrAES: Fine-grained, Low-Latency Eye Tracking via Adaptive Event Slicing

no code implementations27 Sep 2024 Argha Sen, Nuwan Bandara, Ila Gokarn, Thivya Kandappu, Archan Misra

To address these limitations, we propose EyeTrAES, a novel approach using neuromorphic event cameras for high-fidelity tracking of natural pupillary movement that shows significant kinematic variance.

Descriptive Pupil Tracking

Demo: RhythmEdge: Enabling Contactless Heart Rate Estimation on the Edge

1 code implementation13 Aug 2022 Zahid Hasan, Emon Dey, Sreenivasan Ramasamy Ramamurthy, Nirmalya Roy, Archan Misra

In this demo paper, we design and prototype RhythmEdge, a low-cost, deep-learning-based contact-less system for regular HR monitoring applications.

Edge-computing Heart rate estimation

DeepLight: Robust & Unobtrusive Real-time Screen-Camera Communication for Real-World Displays

no code implementations11 May 2021 Vu Tran, Gihan Jayatilaka, Ashwin Ashok, Archan Misra

We show that a fully functional DeepLight system is able to robustly achieve high decoding accuracy (frame error rate < 0. 2) and moderately-high data goodput (>=0. 95Kbps) using a human-held smartphone camera, even over larger screen-camera distances (approx =2m).

Decoder object-detection +1

Enabling Collaborative Video Sensing at the Edge through Convolutional Sharing

no code implementations3 Dec 2020 Kasthuri Jayarajah, Dhanuja Wanniarachchige, Archan Misra

While Deep Neural Network (DNN) models have provided remarkable advances in machine vision capabilities, their high computational complexity and model sizes present a formidable roadblock to deployment in AIoT-based sensing applications.

Human Detection

Prior Activation Distribution (PAD): A Versatile Representation to Utilize DNN Hidden Units

no code implementations5 Jul 2019 Lakmal Meegahapola, Vengateswaran Subramaniam, Lance Kaplan, Archan Misra

In this paper, we introduce the concept of Prior Activation Distribution (PAD) as a versatile and general technique to capture the typical activation patterns of hidden layer units of a Deep Neural Network used for classification tasks.

BreathRNNet: Breathing Based Authentication on Resource-Constrained IoT Devices using RNNs

no code implementations22 Sep 2017 Jagmohan Chauhan, Suranga Seneviratne, Yining Hu, Archan Misra, Aruna Seneviratne, Youngki Lee

Increasing popularity of IoT devices makes a strong case for implementing RNN based inferences for applications such as acoustics based authentication, voice commands, and edge analytics for smart homes.

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