1 code implementation • 29 Oct 2024 • Lior Dikstein, Ariel Lapid, Arnon Netzer, Hai Victor Habi
We analyze existing data generation methods based on batch normalization (BN) matching and identify several gaps between synthetic and real data: 1) Current generation algorithms do not optimize the entire synthetic dataset simultaneously; 2) Data augmentations applied during training are often overlooked; and 3) A distribution shift occurs in the final model layers due to the absence of BN in those layers.
1 code implementation • 19 Jun 2023 • Ariel Lapid, Idan Achituve, Lior Bracha, Ethan Fetaya
GD-VDM is based on a two-phase generation process involving generating depth videos followed by a novel diffusion Vid2Vid model that generates a coherent real-world video.