no code implementations • 14 Oct 2022 • Jeffrey Dominic, Nandita Bhaskhar, Arjun D. Desai, Andrew Schmidt, Elka Rubin, Beliz Gunel, Garry E. Gold, Brian A. Hargreaves, Leon Lenchik, Robert Boutin, Akshay S. Chaudhari
Although supervised learning has enabled high performance for image segmentation, it requires a large amount of labeled training data, which can be difficult to obtain in the medical imaging field.
1 code implementation • 21 Apr 2022 • Beliz Gunel, Arda Sahiner, Arjun D. Desai, Akshay S. Chaudhari, Shreyas Vasanawala, Mert Pilanci, John Pauly
Unrolled neural networks have enabled state-of-the-art reconstruction performance and fast inference times for the accelerated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reconstruction task.
2 code implementations • 29 Apr 2020 • Arjun D. Desai, Francesco Caliva, Claudia Iriondo, Naji Khosravan, Aliasghar Mortazi, Sachin Jambawalikar, Drew Torigian, Jutta Ellermann, Mehmet Akcakaya, Ulas Bagci, Radhika Tibrewala, Io Flament, Matthew O`Brien, Sharmila Majumdar, Mathias Perslev, Akshay Pai, Christian Igel, Erik B. Dam, Sibaji Gaj, Mingrui Yang, Kunio Nakamura, Xiaojuan Li, Cem M. Deniz, Vladimir Juras, Ravinder Regatte, Garry E. Gold, Brian A. Hargreaves, Valentina Pedoia, Akshay S. Chaudhari
Purpose: To organize a knee MRI segmentation challenge for characterizing the semantic and clinical efficacy of automatic segmentation methods relevant for monitoring osteoarthritis progression.
no code implementations • 5 Feb 2019 • Arjun D. Desai, Garry E. Gold, Brian A. Hargreaves, Akshay S. Chaudhari
High-fidelity semantic segmentation of magnetic resonance volumes is critical for estimating tissue morphometry and relaxation parameters in both clinical and research applications.