Search Results for author: Arjun D. Desai

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Data-Limited Tissue Segmentation using Inpainting-Based Self-Supervised Learning

no code implementations14 Oct 2022 Jeffrey Dominic, Nandita Bhaskhar, Arjun D. Desai, Andrew Schmidt, Elka Rubin, Beliz Gunel, Garry E. Gold, Brian A. Hargreaves, Leon Lenchik, Robert Boutin, Akshay S. Chaudhari

Although supervised learning has enabled high performance for image segmentation, it requires a large amount of labeled training data, which can be difficult to obtain in the medical imaging field.

Image Segmentation Segmentation +2

Scale-Equivariant Unrolled Neural Networks for Data-Efficient Accelerated MRI Reconstruction

1 code implementation21 Apr 2022 Beliz Gunel, Arda Sahiner, Arjun D. Desai, Akshay S. Chaudhari, Shreyas Vasanawala, Mert Pilanci, John Pauly

Unrolled neural networks have enabled state-of-the-art reconstruction performance and fast inference times for the accelerated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reconstruction task.

MRI Reconstruction

Technical Considerations for Semantic Segmentation in MRI using Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations5 Feb 2019 Arjun D. Desai, Garry E. Gold, Brian A. Hargreaves, Akshay S. Chaudhari

High-fidelity semantic segmentation of magnetic resonance volumes is critical for estimating tissue morphometry and relaxation parameters in both clinical and research applications.

Deep Learning Segmentation +1

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