Search Results for author: Arlindo Da Silva

Found 1 papers, 1 papers with code

Prithvi WxC: Foundation Model for Weather and Climate

2 code implementations20 Sep 2024 Johannes Schmude, Sujit Roy, Will Trojak, Johannes Jakubik, Daniel Salles Civitarese, Shraddha Singh, Julian Kuehnert, Kumar Ankur, Aman Gupta, Christopher E Phillips, Romeo Kienzler, Daniela Szwarcman, Vishal Gaur, Rajat Shinde, Rohit Lal, Arlindo Da Silva, Jorge Luis Guevara Diaz, Anne Jones, Simon Pfreundschuh, Amy Lin, Aditi Sheshadri, Udaysankar Nair, Valentine Anantharaj, Hendrik Hamann, Campbell Watson, Manil Maskey, Tsengdar J Lee, Juan Bernabe Moreno, Rahul Ramachandran

Triggered by the realization that AI emulators can rival the performance of traditional numerical weather prediction models running on HPC systems, there is now an increasing number of large AI models that address use cases such as forecasting, downscaling, or nowcasting.

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