Search Results for author: Arman Melkumyan

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Unsupervised ore/waste classification on open-cut mine faces using close-range hyperspectral data

no code implementations9 Feb 2023 Lloyd Windrim, Arman Melkumyan, Richard J. Murphy, Anna Chlingaryan, Raymond Leung

The proposed pipeline brings together unsupervised and self-supervised algorithms in a unified system to map minerals on a mine face without the need for human-annotated training data.

Hyperspectral CNN Classification with Limited Training Samples

no code implementations28 Nov 2016 Lloyd Windrim, Rishi Ramakrishnan, Arman Melkumyan, Richard Murphy

For hyperspectral data, one of the main variations encountered outdoors is due to incident illumination, which can change in spectral shape and intensity depending on the scene geometry.

Classification Data Augmentation +1

Information fusion in multi-task Gaussian processes

no code implementations6 Oct 2012 Shrihari Vasudevan, Arman Melkumyan, Steven Scheding

This paper evaluates heterogeneous information fusion using multi-task Gaussian processes in the context of geological resource modeling.

Gaussian Processes

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