Search Results for author: Artem Vysogorets

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

DRoP: Distributionally Robust Pruning

1 code implementation8 Apr 2024 Artem Vysogorets, Kartik Ahuja, Julia Kempe

In the era of exceptionally data-hungry models, careful selection of the training data is essential to mitigate the extensive costs of deep learning.


Towards Efficient Active Learning in NLP via Pretrained Representations

no code implementations23 Feb 2024 Artem Vysogorets, Achintya Gopal

Fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) is now a common approach for text classification in a wide range of applications.

Active Learning text-classification +1

Deconstructing the Goldilocks Zone of Neural Network Initialization

1 code implementation5 Feb 2024 Artem Vysogorets, Anna Dawid, Julia Kempe

The second-order properties of the training loss have a massive impact on the optimization dynamics of deep learning models.

ImpressLearn: Continual Learning via Combined Task Impressions

no code implementations5 Oct 2022 Dhrupad Bhardwaj, Julia Kempe, Artem Vysogorets, Angela M. Teng, Evaristus C. Ezekwem

Starting from existing work on network masking (Wortsman et al., 2020), we show that simply learning a linear combination of a small number of task-specific supermasks (impressions) on a randomly initialized backbone network is sufficient to both retain accuracy on previously learned tasks, as well as achieve high accuracy on unseen tasks.

Continual Learning Image Classification +1

Connectivity Matters: Neural Network Pruning Through the Lens of Effective Sparsity

1 code implementation5 Jul 2021 Artem Vysogorets, Julia Kempe

Neural network pruning is a fruitful area of research with surging interest in high sparsity regimes.

Benchmarking Network Pruning

Automating Artifact Detection in Video Games

1 code implementation30 Nov 2020 Parmida Davarmanesh, Kuanhao Jiang, Tingting Ou, Artem Vysogorets, Stanislav Ivashkevich, Max Kiehn, Shantanu H. Joshi, Nicholas Malaya

Based on a sample of representative screen corruption examples, the model was able to identify 10 of the most commonly occurring screen artifacts with reasonable accuracy.

Artifact Detection BIG-bench Machine Learning

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