1 code implementation • 8 Mar 2022 • William Berrios, Arturo Deza
However, in this paper, we provide evidence against the unexpected trend of Vision Transformers (ViT) being not perceptually aligned with human visual representations by showing how a dual-stream Transformer, a CrossViT$~\textit{a la}$ Chen et al. (2021), under a joint rotationally-invariant and adversarial optimization procedure yields 2nd place in the aggregate Brain-Score 2022 competition(Schrimpf et al., 2020b) averaged across all visual categories, and at the time of the competition held 1st place for the highest explainable variance of area V4.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS Workshop SVRHM 2021 • Anne Harrington, Arturo Deza
Human vision seems to rely on texture-based/summary statistic representations in the periphery, which have been shown to explain phenomena such as crowding and performance on visual search tasks.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS Workshop SVRHM 2021 • Binxu Wang, David Mayo, Arturo Deza, Andrei Barbu, Colin Conwell
Critically, we find that random cropping can be substituted by cortical magnification, and saccade-like sampling of the image could also assist the representation learning.
no code implementations • NeurIPS Workshop SVRHM 2021 • Jonathan M Gant, Andrzej Banburski, Arturo Deza
The FTT module was added to a VGG-11 CNN architecture and ten random initializations were trained on 20-class subsets of the Places and EcoSet datasets for scene and object classification respectively.
no code implementations • NeurIPS Workshop SVRHM 2021 • Chenguang Li, Arturo Deza
What motivates the brain to allocate tasks to different regions and what distinguishes multiple-demand brain regions and the tasks they perform from ones in highly specialized areas?
no code implementations • 21 Feb 2021 • Owen Kunhardt, Arturo Deza, Tomaso Poggio
In this paper, we propose an adaptation to the area under the curve (AUC) metric to measure the adversarial robustness of a model over a particular $\epsilon$-interval $[\epsilon_0, \epsilon_1]$ (interval of adversarial perturbation strengths) that facilitates unbiased comparisons across models when they have different initial $\epsilon_0$ performance.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS Workshop SVRHM 2020 • Elian Malkin, Arturo Deza, Tomaso Poggio
The spatially-varying field of the human visual system has recently received a resurgence of interest with the development of virtual reality (VR) and neural networks.
no code implementations • 24 Jun 2020 • Arturo Deza, Qianli Liao, Andrzej Banburski, Tomaso Poggio
For object recognition we find, as expected, that scrambling does not affect the performance of shallow or deep fully connected networks contrary to the out-performance of convolutional networks.
2 code implementations • 14 Jun 2020 • Arturo Deza, Talia Konkle
The primary model has a foveated-textural input stage, which we compare to a model with foveated-blurred input and a model with spatially-uniform blurred input (both matched for perceptual compression), and a final reference model with minimal input-based compression.
no code implementations • CVPR 2019 • Arturo Deza, Amit Surana, Miguel P. Eckstein
With the advent of modern expert systems driven by deep learning that supplement human experts (e. g. radiologists, dermatologists, surveillance scanners), we analyze how and when do such expert systems enhance human performance in a fine-grained small target visual search task.
1 code implementation • ICLR 2019 • Arturo Deza, Aditya Jonnalagadda, Miguel Eckstein
The problem of $\textit{visual metamerism}$ is defined as finding a family of perceptually indistinguishable, yet physically different images.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2016 • Arturo Deza, Miguel P. Eckstein
Here, we introduce a new foveated clutter model to predict the detrimental effects in target search utilizing a forced fixation search task.
no code implementations • CVPR 2015 • Arturo Deza, Devi Parikh
We train classifiers with state-of-the-art image features to predict virality of individual images, relative virality in pairs of images, and the dominant topic of a viral image.