Search Results for author: Arun Singh

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Enhancing Deep Learning based RMT Data Inversion using Gaussian Random Field

no code implementations22 Oct 2024 Koustav Ghosal, Arun Singh, Samir Malakar, Shalivahan Srivastava, Deepak Gupta

Synthetic experiments confirmed that the GRF dataset enhances generalization compared to a homogeneous background OOD dataset.

Deep Learning

EDMP: Ensemble-of-costs-guided Diffusion for Motion Planning

1 code implementation20 Sep 2023 Kallol Saha, Vishal Mandadi, Jayaram Reddy, Ajit Srikanth, Aditya Agarwal, Bipasha Sen, Arun Singh, Madhava Krishna

However, without a prior understanding of what diverse valid trajectories are and without specially designed cost functions for a given scene, the overall solutions tend to have low success rates.

Collision Avoidance Deep Learning +2

Accoustate: Auto-annotation of IMU-generated Activity Signatures under Smart Infrastructure

1 code implementation8 Dec 2021 Soumyajit Chatterjee, Arun Singh, Bivas Mitra, Sandip Chakraborty

This paper exploits the acoustic signatures generated from human activities to label the wearables' IMU data at the edge, thus mitigating resource requirement and data privacy concerns.

Human Activity Recognition

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