Search Results for author: Asaduz Zaman

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Markerless retro-identification complements re-identification of individual insect subjects in archived image data of biological experiments

no code implementations22 May 2024 Asaduz Zaman, Vanessa Kellermann, Alan Dorin

Effort invested in training software models to recognise and track such individuals is wasted if they fail to complete the experiment.

Image Classification

Spatial Monitoring and Insect Behavioural Analysis Using Computer Vision for Precision Pollination

1 code implementation10 May 2022 Malika Nisal Ratnayake, Don Chathurika Amarathunga, Asaduz Zaman, Adrian G. Dyer, Alan Dorin

Therefore, in this article we introduce a novel system to facilitate markerless data capture for insect counting, insect motion tracking, behaviour analysis and pollination prediction across large agricultural areas.

Edge-computing Multi-Object Tracking

Effect of GAN augmented dataset size on deep learning-based ultrasound bone segmentation model training

no code implementations MIDL 2019 Asaduz Zaman, Hyunhee Bang, Chul-woo Park, Ilhyung Park, Sanghyun Joung

Recently, ultrasound imaging is increasingly being used as intra-operative imaging modality in osteolytic bone surgery due to its cost-effectiveness and radiation-free nature.

Data Augmentation Deep Learning

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