Search Results for author: Ashis Pati

Found 8 papers, 5 papers with code

Is Disentanglement enough? On Latent Representations for Controllable Music Generation

1 code implementation1 Aug 2021 Ashis Pati, Alexander Lerch

The structure of the latent space with respect to the VAE-decoder plays an important role in boosting the ability of a generative model to manipulate different attributes.

Decoder Disentanglement +1

Score-informed Networks for Music Performance Assessment

1 code implementation1 Aug 2020 Jiawen Huang, Yun-Ning Hung, Ashis Pati, Siddharth Kumar Gururani, Alexander Lerch

The assessment of music performances in most cases takes into account the underlying musical score being performed.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

dMelodies: A Music Dataset for Disentanglement Learning

2 code implementations29 Jul 2020 Ashis Pati, Siddharth Gururani, Alexander Lerch

In this paper, we present a new symbolic music dataset that will help researchers working on disentanglement problems demonstrate the efficacy of their algorithms on diverse domains.

Benchmarking Disentanglement

Attribute-based Regularization of Latent Spaces for Variational Auto-Encoders

1 code implementation11 Apr 2020 Ashis Pati, Alexander Lerch

Selective manipulation of data attributes using deep generative models is an active area of research.


Explicitly Conditioned Melody Generation: A Case Study with Interdependent RNNs

no code implementations10 Jul 2019 Benjamin Genchel, Ashis Pati, Alexander Lerch

In this study, we investigate the effects of explicitly conditioning deep generative models with musically relevant information.

Learning to Traverse Latent Spaces for Musical Score Inpainting

1 code implementation2 Jul 2019 Ashis Pati, Alexander Lerch, Gaëtan Hadjeres

The designed model takes both past and future musical context into account and is capable of suggesting ways to connect them in a musically meaningful manner.

A Rule-Based Computational Model of Cognitive Arithmetic

no code implementations3 May 2017 Ashis Pati, Kantwon Rogers, Hanqing Zhu

This area of research explores the retrieval mechanisms and strategies used by people during a common cognitive task.

Math Retrieval

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