1 code implementation • EMNLP (sdp) 2020 • Sayantan Basu, Sinchani Chakraborty, Atif Hassan, Sana Siddique, Ashish Anand
We introduce a generic, human-out-of-the-loop pipeline, ERLKG, to perform rapid association analysis of any biomedical entity with other existing entities from a corpora of the same domain.
no code implementations • 29 Dec 2024 • Mansi, Pranshu Pandya, Mahek Bhavesh Vora, Soumya Bharadwaj, Ashish Anand
This study has focused on the following major questions: (i) how to generate sentences from relation tuples, (ii) how to compare and rank them, (iii) can we combine strengths of individual methods and amalgamate them to generate an even bette quality of sentences, and (iv) how to evaluate the final dataset?
no code implementations • 14 Dec 2024 • Chaitanya Kirti, Ayon Chattopadhyay, Ashish Anand, Prithwijit Guha
Our objective is to clarify the intricate idea of events in the context of short stories.
no code implementations • 12 Jun 2024 • Nilmadhab Das, Vishal Choudhary, V. Vijaya Saradhi, Ashish Anand
This framework jointly extracts both ACs and ARs from a given argumentative text.
no code implementations • 21 Nov 2023 • Akshay Parekh, Ashish Anand, Amit Awekar
Towards the first objective, we analyze predictions and performance of state-of-the-art (SOTA) models to identify the root cause of noise in the dataset.
no code implementations • 28 Feb 2023 • Aakansha Mishra, Ashish Anand, Prithwijit Guha
The use of complex attention modules has improved the performance of the Visual Question Answering (VQA) task.
no code implementations • 26 Dec 2021 • Akshay Parekh, Ashish Anand, Amit Awekar
The immediate follow-up problem is: Given a specific reannotation budget, which subset of the data should we reannotate?
1 code implementation • 23 Nov 2021 • Akshara Prabhakar, Gouri Sankar Majumder, Ashish Anand
We employ a variant of the Teacher-Student model and optimize it jointly on the pseudo labels of the Teacher model and predictions on the generated weakly labeled data.
1 code implementation • 8 Jul 2020 • Vatsal Goel, Mohit Chandak, Ashish Anand, Prithwijit Guha
As a part of the cyclic framework, we propose a novel implication generator which can generate implied questions from any question-answer pair.
no code implementations • 17 Feb 2020 • Aakansha Mishra, Ashish Anand, Prithwijit Guha
The second level, referred to as answer predictor (AP), comprises of a set of distinct classifiers corresponding to each question category.
1 code implementation • 13 Sep 2019 • Akshay Parekh, Ashish Anand, Amit Awekar
Further, to address the second question, we canonicalize, filter, and combine the identified relations from the three resources to construct a taxonomical hierarchy.
no code implementations • 7 Jun 2019 • Vishal Agarwal, N Jayanth Kumar Reddy, Ashish Anand
In this work, we use a sequence-to-sequence autoencoder model to learn a latent representation of a fixed dimension for long and variable length DNA sequences in an unsupervised manner.
1 code implementation • AKBC 2019 • Abhishek Abhishek, Sanya Bathla Taneja, Garima Malik, Ashish Anand, Amit Awekar
Fine-grained Entity Recognition (FgER) is the task of detecting and classifying entity mentions to a large set of types spanning diverse domains such as biomedical, finance and sports.
no code implementations • 20 Oct 2018 • Abhishek Abhishek, Amar Prakash Azad, Balaji Ganesan, Ashish Anand, Amit Awekar
The CLF first creates a unified hierarchical label set (UHLS) and a label mapping by aggregating label information from all available datasets.
no code implementations • WS 2017 • Kushal Chawla, Sunil Kumar Sahu, Ashish Anand
Our experiments focus on important contextual words as features, which can easily be extended to analyze various other feature types.
no code implementations • 11 Aug 2017 • Sunil Kumar Sahu, Ashish Anand
We systematically investigate effectiveness of the proposed frameworks in transferring the knowledge under multiple aspects related to source and target tasks, such as, similarity or relatedness between source and target tasks, and size of training data for source task.
no code implementations • 11 Aug 2017 • Sunil Kumar Sahu, Ashish Anand
Three important characteristics of the framework are as follows - (1) model learns contextual as well as morphological features using two different BLSTM in hierarchy, (2) model uses first order linear conditional random field (CRF) in its output layer in cascade of BLSTM to infer label or tag sequence, (3) model does not use any domain specific features or dictionary, i. e., in another words, same set of features are used in the three NER tasks, namely, disease name recognition (Disease NER), drug name recognition (Drug NER) and clinical entity recognition (Clinical NER).
1 code implementation • WS 2017 • Patchigolla V S S Rahul, Sunil Kumar Sahu, Ashish Anand
Event trigger identification is an important first step in all event extraction methods.
no code implementations • 15 May 2017 • Sahil Manchanda, Ashish Anand
Drug repositioning (DR) refers to identification of novel indications for the approved drugs.
1 code implementation • EACL 2017 • abhishek, Ashish Anand, Amit Awekar
Fine-grained entity type classification (FETC) is the task of classifying an entity mention to a broad set of types.
1 code implementation • 28 Jan 2017 • Sunil Kumar Sahu, Ashish Anand
The two models, {\it AB-LSTM} and {\it Joint AB-LSTM} also use attentive pooling in the output of Bi-LSTM layer to assign weights to features.
no code implementations • ACL 2016 • Sunil Kumar Sahu, Ashish Anand
In particular, we propose various end-to-end recurrent neural network (RNN) models for the tasks of disease name recognition and their classification into four pre-defined categories.
no code implementations • WS 2016 • Sunil Kumar Sahu, Ashish Anand, Krishnadev Oruganty, Mahanandeeshwar Gattu
We evaluate performance of the proposed model on i2b2-2010 clinical relation extraction challenge dataset.