no code implementations • 8 Dec 2024 • Ashish Goswami, Satyam Kumar Modi, Santhosh Rishi Deshineni, Harman Singh, Prathosh A. P, Parag Singla
(c) Edit: we make use of an existing text-guided image editing models to sequentially execute our edit-plan over the generated image to get the desired image which is faithful to the original instruction.
no code implementations • 23 May 2023 • Harman Singh, Poorva Garg, Mohit Gupta, Kevin Shah, Ashish Goswami, Satyam Modi, Arnab Kumar Mondal, Dinesh Khandelwal, Dinesh Garg, Parag Singla
We are interested in image manipulation via natural language text -- a task that is useful for multiple AI applications but requires complex reasoning over multi-modal spaces.