Search Results for author: Ashish Sinha

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

$TrIND$: Representing Anatomical Trees by Denoising Diffusion of Implicit Neural Fields

1 code implementation13 Mar 2024 Ashish Sinha, Ghassan Hamarneh

We propose a novel approach, $TrIND$, for representing anatomical trees using INR, while also capturing the distribution of a set of trees via denoising diffusion in the space of INRs.


MEnsA: Mix-up Ensemble Average for Unsupervised Multi Target Domain Adaptation on 3D Point Clouds

1 code implementation4 Apr 2023 Ashish Sinha, Jonghyun Choi

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) addresses the problem of distribution shift between the unlabelled target domain and labelled source domain.

Autonomous Driving Multi-target Domain Adaptation +1

Deep Learning based Dimple Segmentation for Quantitative Fractography

no code implementations5 Jul 2020 Ashish Sinha, K S Suresh

In this work, we try to address the challenging problem of dimple detection and segmentation in Titanium alloys using machine learning methods, especially neural networks.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Deep Learning +2

GA-GAN: CT reconstruction from Biplanar DRRs using GAN with Guided Attention

no code implementations27 Sep 2019 Ashish Sinha, Yohei Sugawara, Yuichiro Hirano

We try to improve the visual image quality of the CT reconstruction using Guided Attention based GANs (GA-GAN).

CT Reconstruction Quantization

Multi-scale self-guided attention for medical image segmentation

1 code implementation arXiv preprint 2019 Ashish Sinha, Jose Dolz

In this paper we attempt to overcome these limitations with the proposed architecture, by capturing richer contextual dependencies based on the use of guided self-attention mechanisms.

Attentive segmentation networks Brain Tumor Segmentation +3

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