Search Results for author: Asif Chowdhury

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Explainable Deep Modeling of Tabular Data using TableGraphNet

no code implementations12 Feb 2020 Gabriel Terejanu, Jawad Chowdhury, Rezaur Rashid, Asif Chowdhury

The vast majority of research on explainability focuses on post-explainability rather than explainable modeling.


Approximate Computational Approaches for Bayesian Sensor Placement in High Dimensions

no code implementations1 Mar 2017 Xiao Lin, Asif Chowdhury, Xiaofan Wang, Gabriel Terejanu

Then, sensors are placed where highest mutual information (lower bound) is achieved and QoI is inferred via Bayes rule given sensor measurements.

Bayesian Optimization Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

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