Search Results for author: Atsunori Kanemura

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

Pixel Embedding: Fully Quantized Convolutional Neural Network with Differentiable Lookup Table

no code implementations23 Jul 2024 Hiroyuki Tokunaga, Joel Nicholls, Daria Vazhenina, Atsunori Kanemura

By quantizing network weights and activations to low bitwidth, we can obtain hardware-friendly and energy-efficient networks.


MLF-SC: Incorporating multi-layer features to sparse coding for anomaly detection

1 code implementation9 Apr 2021 Ryuji Imamura, Kohei Azuma, Atsushi Hanamoto, Atsunori Kanemura

The proposed method, multi-layer feature sparse coding (MLF-SC), employs a neural network for feature extraction, and feature maps from intermediate layers of the network are given to sparse coding, whereas the standard sparse-coding-based anomaly detection method directly works on given images.

Anomaly Detection

Node Centralities and Classification Performance for Characterizing Node Embedding Algorithms

1 code implementation18 Feb 2018 Kento Nozawa, Masanari Kimura, Atsunori Kanemura

Embedding graph nodes into a vector space can allow the use of machine learning to e. g. predict node classes, but the study of node embedding algorithms is immature compared to the natural language processing field because of a diverse nature of graphs.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Classification +1

Neural Sequence Model Training via $α$-divergence Minimization

1 code implementation30 Jun 2017 Sotetsu Koyamada, Yuta Kikuchi, Atsunori Kanemura, Shin-ichi Maeda, Shin Ishii

We propose a new neural sequence model training method in which the objective function is defined by $\alpha$-divergence.

Machine Translation reinforcement-learning +2

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