Search Results for author: Attila Tiba

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

A Cloud-based Machine Learning Pipeline for the Efficient Extraction of Insights from Customer Reviews

no code implementations13 Jun 2023 Robert Lakatos, Gergo Bogacsovics, Balazs Harangi, Istvan Lakatos, Attila Tiba, Janos Toth, Marianna Szabo, Andras Hajdu

The efficiency of natural language processing has improved dramatically with the advent of machine learning models, particularly neural network-based solutions.

Benchmarking Keyword Extraction

A stochastic approach to handle knapsack problems in the creation of ensembles

no code implementations17 Apr 2020 Andras Hajdu, Gyorgy Terdik, Attila Tiba, Henrietta Toman

The common point is to maximize accuracy; however, a natural limitation occurs if incremental costs are also assigned to the individual voters.

Optimizing Majority Voting Based Systems Under a Resource Constraint for Multiclass Problems

no code implementations8 Apr 2019 Attila Tiba, Andras Hajdu, Gyorgy Terdik, Henrietta Toman

Ensemble-based approaches are very effective in various fields in raising the accuracy of its individual members, when some voting rule is applied for aggregating the individual decisions.

General Classification

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