Search Results for author: Audra McMillan

Found 14 papers, 2 papers with code

Instance-Optimal Private Density Estimation in the Wasserstein Distance

no code implementations27 Jun 2024 Vitaly Feldman, Audra McMillan, Satchit Sivakumar, Kunal Talwar

For distributions $P$ over $\mathbb{R}$, we consider a strong notion of instance-optimality: an algorithm that uniformly achieves the instance-optimal estimation rate is competitive with an algorithm that is told that the distribution is either $P$ or $Q_P$ for some distribution $Q_P$ whose probability density function (pdf) is within a factor of 2 of the pdf of $P$.

Density Estimation

Mean Estimation with User-level Privacy under Data Heterogeneity

no code implementations28 Jul 2023 Rachel Cummings, Vitaly Feldman, Audra McMillan, Kunal Talwar

In this work we propose a simple model of heterogeneous user data that allows user data to differ in both distribution and quantity of data, and provide a method for estimating the population-level mean while preserving user-level differential privacy.

Differentially Private Heavy Hitter Detection using Federated Analytics

no code implementations21 Jul 2023 Karan Chadha, Junye Chen, John Duchi, Vitaly Feldman, Hanieh Hashemi, Omid Javidbakht, Audra McMillan, Kunal Talwar

In this work, we study practical heuristics to improve the performance of prefix-tree based algorithms for differentially private heavy hitter detection.

Instance-Optimal Differentially Private Estimation

no code implementations28 Oct 2022 Audra McMillan, Adam Smith, Jon Ullman

In this work, we study local minimax convergence estimation rates subject to $\epsilon$-differential privacy.

Non-parametric Differentially Private Confidence Intervals for the Median

1 code implementation18 Jun 2021 Joerg Drechsler, Ira Globus-Harris, Audra McMillan, Jayshree Sarathy, Adam Smith

Differential privacy is a restriction on data processing algorithms that provides strong confidentiality guarantees for individual records in the data.


Hiding Among the Clones: A Simple and Nearly Optimal Analysis of Privacy Amplification by Shuffling

1 code implementation23 Dec 2020 Vitaly Feldman, Audra McMillan, Kunal Talwar

As a direct corollary of our analysis we derive a simple and nearly optimal algorithm for frequency estimation in the shuffle model of privacy.

Differentially Private Simple Linear Regression

no code implementations10 Jul 2020 Daniel Alabi, Audra McMillan, Jayshree Sarathy, Adam Smith, Salil Vadhan

Economics and social science research often require analyzing datasets of sensitive personal information at fine granularity, with models fit to small subsets of the data.


Private Identity Testing for High-Dimensional Distributions

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Clément L. Canonne, Gautam Kamath, Audra McMillan, Jonathan Ullman, Lydia Zakynthinou

In this work we present novel differentially private identity (goodness-of-fit) testers for natural and widely studied classes of multivariate product distributions: Gaussians in $\mathbb{R}^d$ with known covariance and product distributions over $\{\pm 1\}^{d}$.

Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

The Structure of Optimal Private Tests for Simple Hypotheses

no code implementations27 Nov 2018 Clément L. Canonne, Gautam Kamath, Audra McMillan, Adam Smith, Jonathan Ullman

Specifically, we characterize this sample complexity up to constant factors in terms of the structure of $P$ and $Q$ and the privacy level $\varepsilon$, and show that this sample complexity is achieved by a certain randomized and clamped variant of the log-likelihood ratio test.

Change Point Detection Generalization Bounds +2

Online Learning via the Differential Privacy Lens

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Jacob Abernethy, Young Hun Jung, Chansoo Lee, Audra McMillan, Ambuj Tewari

In this paper, we use differential privacy as a lens to examine online learning in both full and partial information settings.

Multi-Armed Bandits

When is Nontrivial Estimation Possible for Graphons and Stochastic Block Models?

no code implementations7 Apr 2016 Audra McMillan, Adam Smith

We provide a lower bound on the accuracy of estimators for block graphons with a large number of blocks.

Graphon Estimation

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