Search Results for author: Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol

Found 35 papers, 2 papers with code

Reviewing Natural Language Processing Research

no code implementations EACL (ACL) 2021 Kevin Cohen, Kar{\"e}n Fort, Margot Mieskes, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol

This tutorial will cover the theory and practice of reviewing research in natural language processing.

Community Perspective on Replicability in Natural Language Processing

no code implementations RANLP 2019 Margot Mieskes, Kar{\"e}n Fort, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol, Cyril Grouin, Kevin Cohen

With recent efforts in drawing attention to the task of replicating and/or reproducing results, for example in the context of COLING 2018 and various LREC workshops, the question arises how the NLP community views the topic of replicability in general.

Findings of the WMT 2018 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Evaluation on Medline test sets

no code implementations WS 2018 Mariana Neves, Antonio Jimeno Yepes, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol, Cristian Grozea, Amy Siu, Madeleine Kittner, Karin Verspoor

Machine translation enables the automatic translation of textual documents between languages and can facilitate access to information only available in a given language for non-speakers of this language, e. g. research results presented in scientific publications.

Machine Translation Translation

Tri Automatique de la Litt\'erature pour les Revues Syst\'ematiques (Automatically Ranking the Literature in Support of Systematic Reviews)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2017 Christopher Norman, Mariska Leeflang, Pierre Zweigenbaum, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol

Nous appliquons un mod{\`e}le de regression logistique sur deux corpus issus de revues syst{\'e}matiques conduites dans le domaine du traitement automatique de la langue et de l{'}efficacit{\'e} des m{\'e}dicaments.

Classification General Classification

Traitement automatique de la langue biom\'edicale au LIMSI (Biomedical language processing at LIMSI)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2017 Christopher Norman, Cyril Grouin, Thomas Lavergne, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol, Pierre Zweigenbaum

Nous proposons des d{\'e}monstrations de trois outils d{\'e}velopp{\'e}s par le LIMSI en traitement automatique des langues appliqu{\'e} au domaine biom{\'e}dical : la d{\'e}tection de concepts m{\'e}dicaux dans des textes courts, la cat{\'e}gorisation d{'}articles scientifiques pour l{'}assistance {\`a} l{'}{\'e}criture de revues syst{\'e}matiques, et l{'}anonymisation de textes cliniques.

A Dataset for ICD-10 Coding of Death Certificates: Creation and Usage

no code implementations WS 2016 Thomas Lavergne, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol, Aude Robert, Cyril Grouin, Gr{\'e}goire Rey, Pierre Zweigenbaum

Very few datasets have been released for the evaluation of diagnosis coding with the International Classification of Diseases, and only one so far in a language other than English.

Named Entity Recognition (NER)

Detection of Text Reuse in French Medical Corpora

no code implementations WS 2016 Eva D{'}hondt, Cyril Grouin, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol, Efstathios Stamatatos, Pierre Zweigenbaum

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are increasingly available in modern health care institutions either through the direct creation of electronic documents in hospitals{'} health information systems, or through the digitization of historical paper records.

De-identification Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

The Scielo Corpus: a Parallel Corpus of Scientific Publications for Biomedicine

no code implementations LREC 2016 Mariana Neves, Antonio Jimeno Yepes, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol

We show that for all language pairs, a statistical machine translation system trained on the parallel corpora achieves performance that rivals or exceeds the state of the art in the biomedical domain.

Machine Translation Translation

Analyse d'expressions temporelles dans les dossiers \'electroniques patients

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2015 Mike Donald Tapi Nzali, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol, Xavier Tannier

En s{'}appuyant sur un corpus de documents issus de plusieurs dossiers {\'e}lectroniques patient d{\'e}sidentifi{\'e}s, nous d{\'e}crivons la construction d{'}une ressource annot{\'e}e en expressions temporelles selon la norme TimeML.

Etiquetage morpho-syntaxique en domaine de sp\'ecialit\'e: le domaine m\'edical

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2015 Christelle Rabary, Thomas Lavergne, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol

En perspective de ce travail, nous envisageons une application du corpus clinique annot{\'e} pour am{\'e}liorer l{'}{\'e}tiquetage morpho-syntaxique des documents cliniques en fran{\c{c}}ais.

Annotation of specialized corpora using a comprehensive entity and relation scheme

no code implementations LREC 2014 Louise Del{\'e}ger, Anne-Laure Ligozat, Cyril Grouin, Pierre Zweigenbaum, Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol

We present the annotation scheme as well as the results of a pilot annotation study covering 35 clinical documents in a variety of subfields and genres.


Language Resources for French in the Biomedical Domain

no code implementations LREC 2014 Aur{\'e}lie N{\'e}v{\'e}ol, Julien Grosjean, St{\'e}fan Darmoni, Pierre Zweigenbaum

The biomedical domain offers a wealth of linguistic resources for Natural Language Processing, including terminologies and corpora.

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