Search Results for author: Aurélien Renault

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Early Classification of Time Series: Taxonomy and Benchmark

1 code implementation26 Jun 2024 Aurélien Renault, Alexis Bondu, Antoine Cornuéjols, Vincent Lemaire

In many situations, the measurements of a studied phenomenon are provided sequentially, and the prediction of its class needs to be made as early as possible so as not to incur too high a time penalty, but not too early and risk paying the cost of misclassification.

Classification Early Classification +1

Automatic Feature Engineering for Time Series Classification: Evaluation and Discussion

no code implementations2 Aug 2023 Aurélien Renault, Alexis Bondu, Vincent Lemaire, Dominique Gay

Time Series Classification (TSC) has received much attention in the past two decades and is still a crucial and challenging problem in data science and knowledge engineering.

Descriptive Feature Engineering +2

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