Search Results for author: Austin R. Benson

Found 40 papers, 34 papers with code

Understanding Non-linearity in Graph Neural Networks from the Bayesian-Inference Perspective

1 code implementation22 Jul 2022 Rongzhe Wei, Haoteng Yin, Junteng Jia, Austin R. Benson, Pan Li

Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown superiority in many prediction tasks over graphs due to their impressive capability of capturing nonlinear relations in graph-structured data.

Bayesian Inference Node Classification

Graph-Based Methods for Discrete Choice

1 code implementation23 May 2022 Kiran Tomlinson, Austin R. Benson

We show that incorporating social network structure can improve the predictions of the standard econometric choice model, the multinomial logit.

Discrete Choice Models Graph Learning

Approximate Decomposable Submodular Function Minimization for Cardinality-Based Components

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Nate Veldt, Austin R. Benson, Jon Kleinberg

We develop the first approximation algorithms for this problem, where the approximations can be quickly computed via reduction to a sparse graph cut problem, with graph sparsity controlled by the desired approximation factor.

Image Segmentation Segmentation +1

Edge Proposal Sets for Link Prediction

2 code implementations30 Jun 2021 Abhay Singh, Qian Huang, Sijia Linda Huang, Omkar Bhalerao, Horace He, Ser-Nam Lim, Austin R. Benson

Here, we demonstrate how simply adding a set of edges, which we call a \emph{proposal set}, to the graph as a pre-processing step can improve the performance of several link prediction algorithms.

Experimental Design Link Prediction +2

Graph Belief Propagation Networks

1 code implementation6 Jun 2021 Junteng Jia, Cenk Baykal, Vamsi K. Potluru, Austin R. Benson

With the wide-spread availability of complex relational data, semi-supervised node classification in graphs has become a central machine learning problem.

Classification Graph Neural Network +1

The Generalized Mean Densest Subgraph Problem

1 code implementation2 Jun 2021 Nate Veldt, Austin R. Benson, Jon Kleinberg

Finding dense subgraphs of a large graph is a standard problem in graph mining that has been studied extensively both for its theoretical richness and its many practical applications.

Graph Mining

Choice Set Confounding in Discrete Choice

1 code implementation17 May 2021 Kiran Tomlinson, Johan Ugander, Austin R. Benson

Standard methods in preference learning involve estimating the parameters of discrete choice models from data of selections (choices) made by individuals from a discrete set of alternatives (the choice set).

Causal Inference Discrete Choice Models +1

A nonlinear diffusion method for semi-supervised learning on hypergraphs

no code implementations27 Mar 2021 Francesco Tudisco, Konstantin Prokopchik, Austin R. Benson

Hypergraphs are a common model for multiway relationships in data, and hypergraph semi-supervised learning is the problem of assigning labels to all nodes in a hypergraph, given labels on just a few nodes.

Generative hypergraph clustering: from blockmodels to modularity

2 code implementations24 Jan 2021 Philip S. Chodrow, Nate Veldt, Austin R. Benson

Many graph algorithms for this task are based on variants of the stochastic blockmodel, a random graph with flexible cluster structure.

Clustering Community Detection +1

Over-parametrized neural networks as under-determined linear systems

no code implementations29 Oct 2020 Austin R. Benson, Anil Damle, Alex Townsend

We draw connections between simple neural networks and under-determined linear systems to comprehensively explore several interesting theoretical questions in the study of neural networks.

Learning Interpretable Feature Context Effects in Discrete Choice

2 code implementations7 Sep 2020 Kiran Tomlinson, Austin R. Benson

Using our models, we identify new context effects in widely used choice datasets and provide the first analysis of choice set context effects in social network growth.

Communication-efficient distributed eigenspace estimation

1 code implementation5 Sep 2020 Vasileios Charisopoulos, Austin R. Benson, Anil Damle

Spectral methods are a collection of such problems, where solutions are orthonormal bases of the leading invariant subspace of an associated data matrix, which are only unique up to rotation and reflections.

Distributed Computing

Expertise and Dynamics within Crowdsourced Musical Knowledge Curation: A Case Study of the Genius Platform

1 code implementation15 Jun 2020 Derek Lim, Austin R. Benson

For example, expertise on song annotations follows a "U shape" where experts are both early and late contributors with non-experts contributing intermediately; we develop a user utility model that captures such behavior.

Hypergraph Clustering for Finding Diverse and Experienced Groups

1 code implementation10 Jun 2020 Ilya Amburg, Nate Veldt, Austin R. Benson

In contrast to related problems on fair or balanced clustering, we model diversity in terms of variety of past experience (instead of, e. g., protected attributes), with a goal of forming groups that have both experience and diversity with respect to participation in edge types.

Clustering Diversity +1

Nonlinear Higher-Order Label Spreading

1 code implementation8 Jun 2020 Francesco Tudisco, Austin R. Benson, Konstantin Prokopchik

Label spreading is a general technique for semi-supervised learning with point cloud or network data, which can be interpreted as a diffusion of labels on a graph.

Frozen Binomials on the Web: Word Ordering and Language Conventions in Online Text

no code implementations7 Mar 2020 Katherine Van Koevering, Austin R. Benson, Jon Kleinberg

These binomials are common across many areas of speech, in both formal and informal text.

Minimizing Localized Ratio Cut Objectives in Hypergraphs

1 code implementation21 Feb 2020 Nate Veldt, Austin R. Benson, Jon Kleinberg

However, there are only a few specialized approaches for localized clustering in hypergraphs.

Clustering Graph Clustering

Entrywise convergence of iterative methods for eigenproblems

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Vasileios Charisopoulos, Austin R. Benson, Anil Damle

Several problems in machine learning, statistics, and other fields rely on computing eigenvectors.

Residual Correlation in Graph Neural Network Regression

2 code implementations19 Feb 2020 Junteng Jia, Austin R. Benson

A graph neural network transforms features in each vertex's neighborhood into a vector representation of the vertex.

Graph Neural Network regression

Choice Set Optimization Under Discrete Choice Models of Group Decisions

1 code implementation ICML 2020 Kiran Tomlinson, Austin R. Benson

The way that people make choices or exhibit preferences can be strongly affected by the set of available alternatives, often called the choice set.

Discrete Choice Models

Clustering in graphs and hypergraphs with categorical edge labels

1 code implementation22 Oct 2019 Ilya Amburg, Nate Veldt, Austin R. Benson

Here, we develop a computational framework for the problem of clustering hypergraphs with categorical edge labels --- or different interaction types --- where clusters corresponds to groups of nodes that frequently participate in the same type of interaction.

Clustering Community Detection

Neural Jump Stochastic Differential Equations

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Junteng Jia, Austin R. Benson

Many time series are effectively generated by a combination of deterministic continuous flows along with discrete jumps sparked by stochastic events.

Point Processes Time Series +1

Network Density of States

1 code implementation23 May 2019 Kun Dong, Austin R. Benson, David Bindel

Much of spectral graph theory descends directly from spectral geometry, the study of differentiable manifolds through the spectra of associated differential operators.

Social and Information Networks Numerical Analysis

Graph-based Semi-Supervised & Active Learning for Edge Flows

1 code implementation17 May 2019 Junteng Jia, Michael T. Schaub, Santiago Segarra, Austin R. Benson

The first strategy selects edges to minimize the reconstruction error bound and works well on flows that are approximately divergence-free.

Active Learning

Planted Hitting Set Recovery in Hypergraphs

1 code implementation14 May 2019 Ilya Amburg, Jon Kleinberg, Austin R. Benson

In various application areas, networked data is collected by measuring interactions involving some specific set of core nodes.

Modeling and Analysis of Tagging Networks in Stack Exchange Communities

1 code implementation6 Feb 2019 Xiang Fu, Shangdi Yu, Austin R. Benson

Large Question-and-Answer (Q&A) platforms support diverse knowledge curation on the Web.


Link Prediction in Networks with Core-Fringe Data

1 code implementation28 Nov 2018 Austin R. Benson, Jon Kleinberg

However, we find that this is not true; in fact, there is substantial variability in the value of the fringe nodes for prediction.

Link Prediction Prediction

Detecting Core-Periphery Structure in Spatial Networks

1 code implementation20 Aug 2018 Junteng Jia, Austin R. Benson

The core-periphery structure, which decompose a network into a densely-connected core and a sparsely-connected periphery, constantly emerges from spatial networks such as traffic, biological and social networks.

Social and Information Networks Physics and Society

Three hypergraph eigenvector centralities

1 code implementation25 Jul 2018 Austin R. Benson

Eigenvector centrality is a standard network analysis tool for determining the importance of (or ranking of) entities in a connected system that is represented by a graph.

Random Walks on Simplicial Complexes and the normalized Hodge Laplacian

1 code implementation13 Jul 2018 Michael T. Schaub, Austin R. Benson, Paul Horn, Gabor Lippner, Ali Jadbabaie

Simplicial complexes, a mathematical object common in topological data analysis, have emerged as a model for multi-nodal interactions that occur in several complex systems; for example, biological interactions occur between a set of molecules rather than just two, and communication systems can have group messages and not just person-to-person messages.

Social and Information Networks Discrete Mathematics Algebraic Topology Physics and Society

Found Graph Data and Planted Vertex Covers

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2018 Austin R. Benson, Jon Kleinberg

A typical way in which network data is recorded is to measure all the interactions among a specified set of core nodes; this produces a graph containing this core together with a potentially larger set of fringe nodes that have links to the core.

Simplicial Closure and higher-order link prediction

2 code implementations20 Feb 2018 Austin R. Benson, Rediet Abebe, Michael T. Schaub, Ali Jadbabaie, Jon Kleinberg

Networks provide a powerful formalism for modeling complex systems by using a model of pairwise interactions.

Link Prediction Prediction

Tools for higher-order network analysis

1 code implementation19 Feb 2018 Austin R. Benson

Networks are a fundamental model of complex systems throughout the sciences, and network datasets are typically analyzed through lower-order connectivity patterns described at the level of individual nodes and edges.


Higher-order clustering in networks

no code implementations12 Apr 2017 Hao Yin, Austin R. Benson, Jure Leskovec

Here we introduce higher-order clustering coefficients that measure the closure probability of higher-order network cliques and provide a more comprehensive view of how the edges of complex networks cluster.


Motifs in Temporal Networks

no code implementations29 Dec 2016 Ashwin Paranjape, Austin R. Benson, Jure Leskovec

Networks are a fundamental tool for modeling complex systems in a variety of domains including social and communication networks as well as biology and neuroscience.

Higher-order organization of complex networks

no code implementations26 Dec 2016 Austin R. Benson, David F. Gleich, Jure Leskovec

Many networks are known to exhibit rich, lower-order connectivity patterns that can be captured at the level of individual nodes and edges.

Social and Information Networks Discrete Mathematics Physics and Society

General Tensor Spectral Co-clustering for Higher-Order Data

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2016 Tao Wu, Austin R. Benson, David F. Gleich

Spectral clustering and co-clustering are well-known techniques in data analysis, and recent work has extended spectral clustering to square, symmetric tensors and hypermatrices derived from a network.


Scalable methods for nonnegative matrix factorizations of near-separable tall-and-skinny matrices

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2014 Austin R. Benson, Jason D. Lee, Bartek Rajwa, David F. Gleich

We demonstrate the efficacy of these algorithms on terabyte-sized synthetic matrices and real-world matrices from scientific computing and bioinformatics.

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