Search Results for author: Aviad Aberdam

Found 15 papers, 5 papers with code

Towards Models that Can See and Read

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Roy Ganz, Oren Nuriel, Aviad Aberdam, Yair Kittenplon, Shai Mazor, Ron Litman

Visual Question Answering (VQA) and Image Captioning (CAP), which are among the most popular vision-language tasks, have analogous scene-text versions that require reasoning from the text in the image.

Decoder Image Captioning +2

On the Inversion of Deep Generative Models

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Aviad Aberdam, Dror Simon, Michael Elad

Deep generative models (e. g. GANs and VAEs) have been developed quite extensively in recent years.

On Calibration of Scene-Text Recognition Models

no code implementations23 Dec 2020 Ron Slossberg, Oron Anschel, Amir Markovitz, Ron Litman, Aviad Aberdam, Shahar Tsiper, Shai Mazor, Jon Wu, R. Manmatha

Although the topic of confidence calibration has been an active research area for the last several decades, the case of structured and sequence prediction calibration has been scarcely explored.

Scene Text Recognition

Sequence-to-Sequence Contrastive Learning for Text Recognition

2 code implementations CVPR 2021 Aviad Aberdam, Ron Litman, Shahar Tsiper, Oron Anschel, Ron Slossberg, Shai Mazor, R. Manmatha, Pietro Perona

We propose a framework for sequence-to-sequence contrastive learning (SeqCLR) of visual representations, which we apply to text recognition.

Contrastive Learning Decoder +1

When and How Can Deep Generative Models be Inverted?

no code implementations28 Jun 2020 Aviad Aberdam, Dror Simon, Michael Elad

Deep generative models (e. g. GANs and VAEs) have been developed quite extensively in recent years.

Ada-LISTA: Learned Solvers Adaptive to Varying Models

1 code implementation23 Jan 2020 Aviad Aberdam, Alona Golts, Michael Elad

Neural networks that are based on unfolding of an iterative solver, such as LISTA (learned iterative soft threshold algorithm), are widely used due to their accelerated performance.

Image Denoising Image Inpainting

Barycenters of Natural Images -- Constrained Wasserstein Barycenters for Image Morphing

1 code implementation24 Dec 2019 Dror Simon, Aviad Aberdam

Image interpolation, or image morphing, refers to a visual transition between two (or more) input images.

Image Morphing

On Multi-Layer Basis Pursuit, Efficient Algorithms and Convolutional Neural Networks

2 code implementations2 Jun 2018 Jeremias Sulam, Aviad Aberdam, Amir Beck, Michael Elad

Parsimonious representations are ubiquitous in modeling and processing information.

Adversarial Noise Attacks of Deep Learning Architectures -- Stability Analysis via Sparse Modeled Signals

no code implementations29 May 2018 Yaniv Romano, Aviad Aberdam, Jeremias Sulam, Michael Elad

Despite their impressive performance, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been shown to be sensitive to small adversarial perturbations.

General Classification

Multi-Layer Sparse Coding: The Holistic Way

no code implementations25 Apr 2018 Aviad Aberdam, Jeremias Sulam, Michael Elad

The recently proposed multi-layer sparse model has raised insightful connections between sparse representations and convolutional neural networks (CNN).

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