Search Results for author: Avik Santra

Found 11 papers, 2 papers with code

XAI-BayesHAR: A novel Framework for Human Activity Recognition with Integrated Uncertainty and Shapely Values

no code implementations7 Nov 2022 Anand Dubey, Niall Lyons, Avik Santra, Ashutosh Pandey

Human activity recognition (HAR) using IMU sensors, namely accelerometer and gyroscope, has several applications in smart homes, healthcare and human-machine interface systems.

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Human Activity Recognition +1

Uncertainty-based Meta-Reinforcement Learning for Robust Radar Tracking

no code implementations26 Oct 2022 Julius Ott, Lorenzo Servadei, Gianfranco Mauro, Thomas Stadelmayer, Avik Santra, Robert Wille

There, we show that our method outperforms related Meta-RL approaches on unseen tracking scenarios in peak performance by 16% and the baseline by 35% while detecting OOD data with an F1-Score of 72%.

Meta-Learning Meta Reinforcement Learning +4

MEET: A Monte Carlo Exploration-Exploitation Trade-off for Buffer Sampling

1 code implementation24 Oct 2022 Julius Ott, Lorenzo Servadei, Jose Arjona-Medina, Enrico Rinaldi, Gianfranco Mauro, Daniela Sánchez Lopera, Michael Stephan, Thomas Stadelmayer, Avik Santra, Robert Wille

This is enabled by the uncertainty estimation of the Q-Value function, which guides the sampling to explore more significant transitions and, thus, learn a more efficient policy.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Utilizing Explainable AI for improving the Performance of Neural Networks

no code implementations7 Oct 2022 Huawei Sun, Lorenzo Servadei, Hao Feng, Michael Stephan, Robert Wille, Avik Santra

To address this, Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has been developing as a field that aims to improve the transparency of the model and increase their trustworthiness.

Explainable artificial intelligence Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

Radar Image Reconstruction from Raw ADC Data using Parametric Variational Autoencoder with Domain Adaptation

no code implementations30 May 2022 Michael Stephan, Thomas Stadelmayer, Avik Santra, Georg Fischer, Robert Weigel, Fabian Lurz

This paper presents a parametric variational autoencoder-based human target detection and localization framework working directly with the raw analog-to-digital converter data from the frequency modulated continous wave radar.

Domain Adaptation Image Reconstruction

Light-weight Gesture Sensing Using FMCW Radar Time Series Data

no code implementations22 Nov 2021 Thomas Stadelmayer, Avik Santra, Robert Weigel, Fabian Lurz

The paper proposes a novel feature extraction approach for FMCW radar systems in the field of short-range gesture sensing.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

A Matched-filter based method in the Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Using FMCW radar

no code implementations31 Oct 2021 Moein Movafagh, Avik Santra, Daniel Oloumi

In this paper, we aim to propose a method whereby stretch processing can achieve optimal SNR.

COVIDLite: A depth-wise separable deep neural network with white balance and CLAHE for detection of COVID-19

no code implementations19 Jun 2020 Manu Siddhartha, Avik Santra

For making available an alternative diagnostic method, we proposed a deep neural network based diagnostic method which can be easily integrated with mobile devices for detection of COVID-19 and viral pneumonia using Chest X-rays (CXR) images.

Binary Classification General Classification +2

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