Search Results for author: Ayush Bhandari

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Full-Duplex Beyond Self-Interference: The Unlimited Sensing Way

no code implementations12 Apr 2024 Ziang Liu, Ayush Bhandari, Bruno Clerckx

The success of full-stack full-duplex communication systems depends on how effectively one can achieve digital self-interference cancellation (SIC).


Unlimited Sampling Radar: a Real-Time End-to-End Demonstrator

no code implementations30 Jun 2023 Thomas Feuillen, Bhavani Shankar MRR, Ayush Bhandari

In this paper, the trade-off between the quantization noise and the dynamic range of ADCs used to acquire radar signals is revisited using the Unlimited Sensing Framework (USF) in a practical setting.


The Modulo Radon Transform: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

no code implementations10 May 2021 Matthias Beckmann, Ayush Bhandari, Felix Krahmer

Taking a computational imaging approach to the HDR tomography problem, we here suggest a new model based on the Modulo Radon Transform (MRT), which we rigorously introduce and analyze.

Sampling Without Time: Recovering Echoes of Light via Temporal Phase Retrieval

no code implementations27 Jan 2017 Ayush Bhandari, Aurelien Bourquard, Ramesh Raskar

This topic has its roots in the problem of recovering multiple echoes of light from its low-pass filtered and auto-correlated, time-domain measurements.


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