Search Results for author: Azaan Rehman

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Advancing low-field MRI with a universal denoising imaging transformer: Towards fast and high-quality imaging

no code implementations30 Apr 2024 Zheren Zhu, Azaan Rehman, Xiaozhi Cao, Congyu Liao, Yoo Jin Lee, Michael Ohliger, Hui Xue, Yang Yang

Recent developments in low-field (LF) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems present remarkable opportunities for affordable and widespread MRI access.

Denoising Diversity

Convolutional Neural Network Transformer (CNNT) for Fluorescence Microscopy image Denoising with Improved Generalization and Fast Adaptation

no code implementations6 Apr 2024 Azaan Rehman, Alexander Zhovmer, Ryo Sato, Yosuke Mukoyama, Jiji Chen, Alberto Rissone, Rosa Puertollano, Harshad Vishwasrao, Hari Shroff, Christian A. Combs, Hui Xue

Previous methods are based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) which generally require more time-consuming training of separate models for each new imaging experiment, impairing the applicability and generalization.

Image Denoising

Inline AI: Open-source Deep Learning Inference for Cardiac MR

no code implementations3 Apr 2024 Hui Xue, Rhodri H Davies, James Howard, Hunain Shiwani, Azaan Rehman, Iain Pierce, Henry Procter, Marianna Fontana, James C Moon, Eylem Levelt, Peter Kellman

The model was loaded and inference on incoming images were performed while the data acquisition was ongoing, and results were sent back to scanner.

Anatomy Deep Learning

MTAG: Modal-Temporal Attention Graph for Unaligned Human Multimodal Language Sequences

1 code implementation NAACL 2021 Jianing Yang, Yongxin Wang, Ruitao Yi, Yuying Zhu, Azaan Rehman, Amir Zadeh, Soujanya Poria, Louis-Philippe Morency

Human communication is multimodal in nature; it is through multiple modalities such as language, voice, and facial expressions, that opinions and emotions are expressed.

Emotion Recognition Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

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