Search Results for author: Bahram Mohammadi

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Augmented Commonsense Knowledge for Remote Object Grounding

1 code implementation3 Jun 2024 Bahram Mohammadi, Yicong Hong, Yuankai Qi, Qi Wu, Shirui Pan, Javen Qinfeng Shi

To address enhancing representation, we propose an augmented commonsense knowledge model (ACK) to leverage commonsense information as a spatio-temporal knowledge graph for improving agent navigation.

Decision Making Object +1

ClaRe: Practical Class Incremental Learning By Remembering Previous Class Representations

no code implementations29 Mar 2021 Bahram Mohammadi, Mohammad Sabokrou

Learning new knowledge in the absence of data instances from previous classes or even imbalance samples of both old and new classes makes CIL an ongoing challenging problem.

class-incremental learning Class Incremental Learning +1

Image/Video Deep Anomaly Detection: A Survey

no code implementations2 Mar 2021 Bahram Mohammadi, Mahmood Fathy, Mohammad Sabokrou

AD strongly correlates with the important computer vision and image processing tasks such as image/video anomaly, irregularity and sudden event detection.

Anomaly Detection Event Detection +1

G2D: Generate to Detect Anomaly

no code implementations20 Jun 2020 Masoud Pourreza, Bahram Mohammadi, Mostafa Khaki, Samir Bouindour, Hichem Snoussi, Mohammad Sabokrou

Previous researches solve this problem as a One-Class Classification (OCC) task where they train a reference model on all of the available samples.

Binary Classification One-Class Classification

AutoIDS: Auto-encoder Based Method for Intrusion Detection System

no code implementations8 Nov 2019 Mohammed Gharib, Bahram Mohammadi, Shadi Hejareh Dastgerdi, Mohammad Sabokrou

These detectors are two encoder-decoder neural networks that are forced to provide a compressed and a sparse representation from the normal flows.

Decoder Intrusion Detection

End-to-End Adversarial Learning for Intrusion Detection in Computer Networks

no code implementations25 Apr 2019 Bahram Mohammadi, Mohammad Sabokrou

Inspired by the successes of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for training deep models in semi-unsupervised setting, we have proposed an end-to-end deep architecture for IDS.

Diversity Intrusion Detection +1

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