Search Results for author: Bamshad Mobasher

Found 32 papers, 4 papers with code

Beyond Static Calibration: The Impact of User Preference Dynamics on Calibrated Recommendation

1 code implementation16 May 2024 Kun Lin, Masoud Mansoury, Farzad Eskandanian, Milad Sabouri, Bamshad Mobasher

Calibration in recommender systems is an important performance criterion that ensures consistency between the distribution of user preference categories and that of recommendations generated by the system.

Recommendation Systems

Fairness of Exposure in Dynamic Recommendation

no code implementations5 Sep 2023 Masoud Mansoury, Bamshad Mobasher

However, less work has been done on addressing exposure bias in a dynamic recommendation setting where the system is operating over time, the recommendation model and the input data are dynamically updated with ongoing user feedback on recommended items at each round.

Exposure Fairness Recommendation Systems

Exposure-Aware Recommendation using Contextual Bandits

no code implementations4 Sep 2022 Masoud Mansoury, Bamshad Mobasher, Herke van Hoof

This is especially problematic when bias is amplified over time as a few items (e. g., popular ones) are repeatedly over-represented in recommendation lists and users' interactions with those items will amplify bias towards those items over time resulting in a feedback loop.

Multi-Armed Bandits Recommendation Systems

Behavioral Player Rating in Competitive Online Shooter Games

no code implementations1 Jul 2022 Arman Dehpanah, Muheeb Faizan Ghori, Jonathan Gemmell, Bamshad Mobasher

Competitive online games use rating systems for matchmaking; progression-based algorithms that estimate the skill level of players with interpretable ratings in terms of the outcome of the games they played.

Using user's local context to support local news

no code implementations24 May 2022 Payam Pourashraf, Bamshad Mobasher

With this subscription model, there is a need to increase user engagement and personalization, and recommender systems are one way for these news companies to accomplish this goal.

Session-Based Recommendations

Player Modeling using Behavioral Signals in Competitive Online Games

no code implementations29 Nov 2021 Arman Dehpanah, Muheeb Faizan Ghori, Jonathan Gemmell, Bamshad Mobasher

We then use the created models to predict ranks for different groups of players in the data.

Evaluating Team Skill Aggregation in Online Competitive Games

no code implementations21 Jun 2021 Arman Dehpanah, Muheeb Faizan Ghori, Jonathan Gemmell, Bamshad Mobasher

Rating systems leverage statistical estimation to rate players' skills and use skill ratings to predict rank before matching players.


The Evaluation of Rating Systems in Team-based Battle Royale Games

no code implementations28 May 2021 Arman Dehpanah, Muheeb Faizan Ghori, Jonathan Gemmell, Bamshad Mobasher

It alleviated most of the challenges faced by the other metrics while adding the freedom to adjust the focus of the evaluations on different groups of players.

Toward the Next Generation of News Recommender Systems

no code implementations11 Mar 2021 Himan Abdollahpouri, Edward Malthouse, Joseph Konstan, Bamshad Mobasher, Jeremy Gilbert

This paper proposes a vision and research agenda for the next generation of news recommender systems (RS), called the table d'hote approach.

Diversity Recommendation Systems

User-centered Evaluation of Popularity Bias in Recommender Systems

no code implementations10 Mar 2021 Himan Abdollahpouri, Masoud Mansoury, Robin Burke, Bamshad Mobasher, Edward Malthouse

In this paper, we show the limitations of the existing metrics to evaluate popularity bias mitigation when we want to assess these algorithms from the users' perspective and we propose a new metric that can address these limitations.

Recommendation Systems

The Connection Between Popularity Bias, Calibration, and Fairness in Recommendation

no code implementations21 Aug 2020 Himan Abdollahpouri, Masoud Mansoury, Robin Burke, Bamshad Mobasher

Moreover, we show that the more a group is affected by the algorithmic popularity bias, the more their recommendations are miscalibrated.

Fairness Recommendation Systems

Feedback Loop and Bias Amplification in Recommender Systems

no code implementations25 Jul 2020 Masoud Mansoury, Himan Abdollahpouri, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Bamshad Mobasher, Robin Burke

Recommendation algorithms are known to suffer from popularity bias; a few popular items are recommended frequently while the majority of other items are ignored.

Diversity Recommendation Systems

Addressing the Multistakeholder Impact of Popularity Bias in Recommendation Through Calibration

no code implementations23 Jul 2020 Himan Abdollahpouri, Masoud Mansoury, Robin Burke, Bamshad Mobasher

The effectiveness of these approaches, however, has not been assessed in multistakeholder environments where in addition to the users who receive the recommendations, the utility of the suppliers of the recommended items should also be considered.

Fairness Recommendation Systems

Using Stable Matching to Optimize the Balance between Accuracy and Diversity in Recommendation

no code implementations5 Jun 2020 Farzad Eskandanian, Bamshad Mobasher

In particular, our results show that the proposed solution is quite effective in increasing aggregate diversity and item-side utility while optimizing recommendation accuracy for end users.


Opportunistic Multi-aspect Fairness through Personalized Re-ranking

no code implementations21 May 2020 Nasim Sonboli, Farzad Eskandanian, Robin Burke, Weiwen Liu, Bamshad Mobasher

In this paper, we present a re-ranking approach to fairness-aware recommendation that learns individual preferences across multiple fairness dimensions and uses them to enhance provider fairness in recommendation results.

Attribute Fairness +2

FairMatch: A Graph-based Approach for Improving Aggregate Diversity in Recommender Systems

no code implementations3 May 2020 Masoud Mansoury, Himan Abdollahpouri, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Bamshad Mobasher, Robin Burke

That leads to low coverage of items in recommendation lists across users (i. e. low aggregate diversity) and unfair distribution of recommended items.

Diversity Fairness +1

Investigating Potential Factors Associated with Gender Discrimination in Collaborative Recommender Systems

no code implementations18 Feb 2020 Masoud Mansoury, Himan Abdollahpouri, Jessie Smith, Arman Dehpanah, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Bamshad Mobasher

The proliferation of personalized recommendation technologies has raised concerns about discrepancies in their recommendation performance across different genders, age groups, and racial or ethnic populations.

Fairness Recommendation Systems

The Impact of Popularity Bias on Fairness and Calibration in Recommendation

no code implementations13 Oct 2019 Himan Abdollahpouri, Masoud Mansoury, Robin Burke, Bamshad Mobasher

In this paper, we use a metric called miscalibration for measuring how a recommendation algorithm is responsive to users' true preferences and we consider how various algorithms may result in different degrees of miscalibration.

Fairness Recommendation Systems

Crank up the volume: preference bias amplification in collaborative recommendation

no code implementations13 Sep 2019 Kun Lin, Nasim Sonboli, Bamshad Mobasher, Robin Burke

Recommender systems are personalized: we expect the results given to a particular user to reflect that user's preferences.

Recommendation Systems

The Unfairness of Popularity Bias in Recommendation

3 code implementations31 Jul 2019 Himan Abdollahpouri, Masoud Mansoury, Robin Burke, Bamshad Mobasher

Recommender systems are known to suffer from the popularity bias problem: popular (i. e. frequently rated) items get a lot of exposure while less popular ones are under-represented in the recommendations.

Recommendation Systems

Flatter is better: Percentile Transformations for Recommender Systems

no code implementations10 Jul 2019 Masoud Mansoury, Robin Burke, Bamshad Mobasher

This transformation flattens the rating distribution, better compensates for differences in rating distributions, and improves recommendation performance.

Recommendation Systems

Power of the Few: Analyzing the Impact of Influential Users in Collaborative Recommender Systems

no code implementations14 May 2019 Farzad Eskandanian, Nasim Sonboli, Bamshad Mobasher

Like other social systems, in collaborative filtering a small number of "influential" users may have a large impact on the recommendations of other users, thus affecting the overall behavior of the system.

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems

Modeling the Dynamics of User Preferences for Sequence-Aware Recommendation Using Hidden Markov Models

no code implementations14 May 2019 Farzad Eskandanian, Bamshad Mobasher

In a variety of online settings involving interaction with end-users it is critical for the systems to adapt to changes in user preferences.

Change Detection Recommendation Systems

Managing Popularity Bias in Recommender Systems with Personalized Re-ranking

no code implementations22 Jan 2019 Himan Abdollahpouri, Robin Burke, Bamshad Mobasher

Many recommender systems suffer from popularity bias: popular items are recommended frequently while less popular, niche products, are recommended rarely or not at all.

Recommendation Systems Re-Ranking

Popularity-Aware Item Weighting for Long-Tail Recommendation

no code implementations15 Feb 2018 Himan Abdollahpouri, Robin Burke, Bamshad Mobasher

Many recommender systems suffer from the popularity bias problem: popular items are being recommended frequently while less popular, niche products, are recommended rarely if not at all.

Recommendation Systems

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