Search Results for author: Bao Hoang

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Distributed Harmonization: Federated Clustered Batch Effect Adjustment and Generalization

no code implementations23 May 2024 Bao Hoang, Yijiang Pang, Siqi Liang, Liang Zhan, Paul Thompson, Jiayu Zhou

In the medical domain, collecting data from multiple sites or institutions is a common strategy that guarantees sufficient clinical diversity, determined by the decentralized nature of medical data.


Towards Stability of Parameter-free Optimization

no code implementations7 May 2024 Yijiang Pang, Shuyang Yu, Bao Hoang, Jiayu Zhou

To tackle this challenge, in this paper, we propose a novel parameter-free optimizer, \textsc{AdamG} (Adam with the golden step size), designed to automatically adapt to diverse optimization problems without manual tuning.

Cross-modality debiasing: using language to mitigate sub-population shifts in imaging

no code implementations2 Feb 2024 Yijiang Pang, Bao Hoang, Jiayu Zhou

Specifically, in the context of the distributional robustness of CLIP, we propose to leverage natural language inputs to debias the image feature representations, to improve worst-case performance on sub-populations.

Language Modeling Language Modelling

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