Search Results for author: Baojian Zhou

Found 12 papers, 7 papers with code

Sensiverse: A dataset for ISAC study

no code implementations26 Aug 2023 Jiajin Luo, Baojian Zhou, Yang Yu, Ping Zhang, Xiaohui Peng, Jianglei Ma, Peiying Zhu, Jianmin Lu, Wen Tong

In order to address the lack of applicable channel models for ISAC research and evaluation, we release Sensiverse, a dataset that can be used for ISAC research.

Does it pay to optimize AUC?

1 code implementation2 Jun 2023 Baojian Zhou, Steven Skiena

To better understand the value of optimizing for AUC, we present an efficient algorithm, namely AUC-opt, to find the provably optimal AUC linear classifier in $\mathbb{R}^2$, which runs in $\mathcal{O}(n_+ n_- \log (n_+ n_-))$ where $n_+$ and $n_-$ are the number of positive and negative samples respectively.

Fast Online Node Labeling for Very Large Graphs

1 code implementation25 May 2023 Baojian Zhou, Yifan Sun, Reza Babanezhad

This paper studies the online node classification problem under a transductive learning setting.

Node Classification Transductive Learning

Why do embedding spaces look as they do?

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Xingzhi Guo, Baojian Zhou, Haochen Chen, Sergiy Verstyuk, Steven Skiena

The power of embedding representations is a curious phenomenon.

Approximate Frank-Wolfe Algorithms over Graph-structured Support Sets

1 code implementation29 Jun 2021 Baojian Zhou, Yifan Sun

In this paper, we consider approximate Frank-Wolfe (FW) algorithms to solve convex optimization problems over graph-structured support sets where the linear minimization oracle (LMO) cannot be efficiently obtained in general.

Stochastic Hard Thresholding Algorithms for AUC Maximization

1 code implementation4 Nov 2020 Zhenhuan Yang, Baojian Zhou, Yunwen Lei, Yiming Ying

In this paper, we aim to develop stochastic hard thresholding algorithms for the important problem of AUC maximization in imbalanced classification.

imbalanced classification

Online AUC Optimization for Sparse High-Dimensional Datasets

1 code implementation23 Sep 2020 Baojian Zhou, Yiming Ying, Steven Skiena

The Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) is a widely used performance measure for imbalanced classification arising from many application domains where high-dimensional sparse data is abundant.

imbalanced classification Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Dual Averaging Method for Online Graph-structured Sparsity

1 code implementation26 May 2019 Baojian Zhou, Feng Chen, Yiming Ying

Online learning algorithms update models via one sample per iteration, thus efficient to process large-scale datasets and useful to detect malicious events for social benefits, such as disease outbreak and traffic congestion on the fly.

Stochastic Iterative Hard Thresholding for Graph-structured Sparsity Optimization

1 code implementation9 May 2019 Baojian Zhou, Feng Chen, Yiming Ying

Stochastic optimization algorithms update models with cheap per-iteration costs sequentially, which makes them amenable for large-scale data analysis.

Stochastic Optimization

A Generic Framework for Interesting Subspace Cluster Detection in Multi-attributed Networks

no code implementations15 Sep 2017 Feng Chen, Baojian Zhou, Adil Alim, Liang Zhao

As a case study, we specialize SG-Pursuit to optimize a number of well-known score functions for two typical tasks, including detection of coherent dense and anomalous connected subspace clusters in real-world networks.

feature selection

Technical Report: A Generalized Matching Pursuit Approach for Graph-Structured Sparsity

no code implementations11 Dec 2016 Feng Chen, Baojian Zhou

Sparsity-constrained optimization is an important and challenging problem that has wide applicability in data mining, machine learning, and statistics.

Technical Report: Graph-Structured Sparse Optimization for Connected Subgraph Detection

no code implementations30 Sep 2016 Baojian Zhou, Feng Chen

Structured sparse optimization is an important and challenging problem for analyzing high-dimensional data in a variety of applications such as bioinformatics, medical imaging, social networks, and astronomy.


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