Search Results for author: Barry Ridge

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Early Recall, Late Precision: Multi-Robot Semantic Object Mapping under Operational Constraints in Perceptually-Degraded Environments

no code implementations21 Jun 2022 Xianmei Lei, Taeyeon Kim, Nicolas Marchal, Daniel Pastor, Barry Ridge, Frederik Schöller, Edward Terry, Fernando Chavez, Thomas Touma, Kyohei Otsu, Ali Agha

Semantic object mapping in uncertain, perceptually degraded environments during long-range multi-robot autonomous exploration tasks such as search-and-rescue is important and challenging.

Rover Relocalization for Mars Sample Return by Virtual Template Synthesis and Matching

no code implementations5 Mar 2021 Tu-Hoa Pham, William Seto, Shreyansh Daftry, Barry Ridge, Johanna Hansen, Tristan Thrush, Mark Van der Merwe, Gerard Maggiolino, Alexander Brinkman, John Mayo, Yang Cheng, Curtis Padgett, Eric Kulczycki, Renaud Detry

This work informs the Mars Sample Return campaign on the choice of a site where Perseverance (R0) will place a set of sample tubes for future retrieval by another rover (R1).


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