no code implementations • 21 Oct 2022 • Xingwei He, Yeyun Gong, A-Long Jin, Weizhen Qi, Hang Zhang, Jian Jiao, Bartuer Zhou, Biao Cheng, SM Yiu, Nan Duan
Commonsense generation aims to generate a realistic sentence describing a daily scene under the given concepts, which is very challenging, since it requires models to have relational reasoning and compositional generalization capabilities.
1 code implementation • ACL 2022 • Wei Chen, Yeyun Gong, Song Wang, Bolun Yao, Weizhen Qi, Zhongyu Wei, Xiaowu Hu, Bartuer Zhou, Yi Mao, Weizhu Chen, Biao Cheng, Nan Duan
Dialog response generation in open domain is an important research topic where the main challenge is to generate relevant and diverse responses.
1 code implementation • ACL 2022 • Wei Chen, Yeyun Gong, Can Xu, Huang Hu, Bolun Yao, Zhongyu Wei, Zhihao Fan, Xiaowu Hu, Bartuer Zhou, Biao Cheng, Daxin Jiang, Nan Duan
We study the problem of coarse-grained response selection in retrieval-based dialogue systems.
3 code implementations • ACL 2021 • Weizhen Qi, Yeyun Gong, Yu Yan, Can Xu, Bolun Yao, Bartuer Zhou, Biao Cheng, Daxin Jiang, Jiusheng Chen, Ruofei Zhang, Houqiang Li, Nan Duan
ProphetNet is a pre-training based natural language generation method which shows powerful performance on English text summarization and question generation tasks.