Search Results for author: Behzad Bozorgtabar

Found 35 papers, 15 papers with code

CrIBo: Self-Supervised Learning via Cross-Image Object-Level Bootstrapping

1 code implementation11 Oct 2023 Tim Lebailly, Thomas Stegmüller, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Tinne Tuytelaars

Leveraging nearest neighbor retrieval for self-supervised representation learning has proven beneficial with object-centric images.

In-Context Learning Object +3

AMAE: Adaptation of Pre-Trained Masked Autoencoder for Dual-Distribution Anomaly Detection in Chest X-Rays

no code implementations24 Jul 2023 Behzad Bozorgtabar, Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Jean-Philippe Thiran

Inspired by a modern self-supervised vision transformer model trained using partial image inputs to reconstruct missing image regions -- we propose AMAE, a two-stage algorithm for adaptation of the pre-trained masked autoencoder (MAE).

One-Class Classification Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

Distill-SODA: Distilling Self-Supervised Vision Transformer for Source-Free Open-Set Domain Adaptation in Computational Pathology

2 code implementations10 Jul 2023 Guillaume Vray, Devavrat Tomar, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Behzad Bozorgtabar

Developing computational pathology models is essential for reducing manual tissue typing from whole slide images, transferring knowledge from the source domain to an unlabeled, shifted target domain, and identifying unseen categories.

Data Augmentation Domain Adaptation +2

CrOC: Cross-View Online Clustering for Dense Visual Representation Learning

2 code implementations CVPR 2023 Thomas Stegmüller, Tim Lebailly, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Tinne Tuytelaars, Jean-Philippe Thiran

More importantly, the clustering algorithm conjointly operates on the features of both views, thereby elegantly bypassing the issue of content not represented in both views and the ambiguous matching of objects from one crop to the other.

Clustering Online Clustering +5

Adaptive Similarity Bootstrapping for Self-Distillation based Representation Learning

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Tim Lebailly, Thomas Stegmüller, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Tinne Tuytelaars

Most self-supervised methods for representation learning leverage a cross-view consistency objective i. e., they maximize the representation similarity of a given image's augmented views.

Contrastive Learning Representation Learning

TeSLA: Test-Time Self-Learning With Automatic Adversarial Augmentation

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Devavrat Tomar, Guillaume Vray, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran

Most recent test-time adaptation methods focus on only classification tasks, use specialized network architectures, destroy model calibration or rely on lightweight information from the source domain.

Knowledge Distillation Self-Learning +1

ScoreNet: Learning Non-Uniform Attention and Augmentation for Transformer-Based Histopathological Image Classification

1 code implementation15 Feb 2022 Thomas Stegmüller, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Antoine Spahr, Jean-Philippe Thiran

We further introduce a novel mixing data-augmentation, namely ScoreMix, by leveraging the image's semantic distribution to guide the data mixing and produce coherent sample-label pairs.

Data Augmentation Domain Generalization +3

Self-Supervised Generative Style Transfer for One-Shot Medical Image Segmentation

1 code implementation5 Oct 2021 Devavrat Tomar, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Manana Lortkipanidze, Guillaume Vray, Mohammad Saeed Rad, Jean-Philippe Thiran

Motivated by atlas-based segmentation, we propose a novel volumetric self-supervised learning for data augmentation capable of synthesizing volumetric image-segmentation pairs via learning transformations from a single labeled atlas to the unlabeled data.

Data Augmentation Image Segmentation +7

Self-Rule to Multi-Adapt: Generalized Multi-source Feature Learning Using Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Colorectal Cancer Tissue Detection

1 code implementation20 Aug 2021 Christian Abbet, Linda Studer, Andreas Fischer, Heather Dawson, Inti Zlobec, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran

In this work, we propose Self-Rule to Multi-Adapt (SRMA), which takes advantage of self-supervised learning to perform domain adaptation, and removes the necessity of fully-labeled source datasets.

Self-Supervised Learning Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Test-Time Adaptation for Super-Resolution: You Only Need to Overfit on a Few More Images

no code implementations6 Apr 2021 Mohammad Saeed Rad, Thomas Yu, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran

Addressing both issues, we propose a simple yet universal approach to improve the perceptual quality of the HR prediction from a pre-trained SR network on a given LR input by further fine-tuning the SR network on a subset of images from the training dataset with similar patterns of activation as the initial HR prediction, with respect to the filters of a feature extractor.

SSIM Super-Resolution +1

Self-Attentive Spatial Adaptive Normalization for Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation

1 code implementation5 Mar 2021 Devavrat Tomar, Manana Lortkipanidze, Guillaume Vray, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran

We present a novel approach for image-to-image translation in medical images, capable of supervised or unsupervised (unpaired image data) setups.

Domain Adaptation Image-to-Image Translation +1

Self-Taught Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection on Upper Limb X-rays

1 code implementation19 Feb 2021 Antoine Spahr, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran

Detecting anomalies in musculoskeletal radiographs is of paramount importance for large-scale screening in the radiology workflow.

Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection +1

Quantifying Explainers of Graph Neural Networks in Computational Pathology

3 code implementations CVPR 2021 Guillaume Jaume, Pushpak Pati, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Florinda Feroce, Anna Maria Anniciello, Tilman Rau, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Maria Gabrani, Orcun Goksel

However, popular deep learning methods and explainability techniques (explainers) based on pixel-wise processing disregard biological entities' notion, thus complicating comprehension by pathologists.

Anomaly Detection on X-Rays Using Self-Supervised Aggregation Learning

no code implementations19 Oct 2020 Behzad Bozorgtabar, Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Guillaume Vray, Jean-Philippe Thiran

Deep anomaly detection models using a supervised mode of learning usually work under a closed set assumption and suffer from overfitting to previously seen rare anomalies at training, which hinders their applicability in a real scenario.

Anomaly Detection

Structure Preserving Stain Normalization of Histopathology Images Using Self-Supervised Semantic Guidance

no code implementations5 Aug 2020 Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Ling Shao

Although generative adversarial network (GAN) based style transfer is state of the art in histopathology color-stain normalization, they do not explicitly integrate structural information of tissues.

Color Normalization Generative Adversarial Network +2

Divide-and-Rule: Self-Supervised Learning for Survival Analysis in Colorectal Cancer

1 code implementation7 Jul 2020 Christian Abbet, Inti Zlobec, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran

In this work, we aim to learn histopathological patterns within cancerous tissue regions that can be used to improve prognostic stratification for colorectal cancer.

Clustering Deep Clustering +2

Benefiting from Bicubically Down-Sampled Images for Learning Real-World Image Super-Resolution

no code implementations6 Jul 2020 Mohammad Saeed Rad, Thomas Yu, Claudiu Musat, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran

First, we train a network to transform real LR images to the space of bicubically downsampled images in a supervised manner, by using both real LR/HR pairs and synthetic pairs.

Image Super-Resolution

Pathological Retinal Region Segmentation From OCT Images Using Geometric Relation Based Augmentation

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Ling Shao

The proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art segmentation methods on the public RETOUCH dataset having images captured from different acquisition procedures.

Data Augmentation Diversity +6

Revisiting Few-Shot Learning for Facial Expression Recognition

no code implementations5 Dec 2019 Anca-Nicoleta Ciubotaru, Arnout Devos, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Maria Gabrani

Most of the existing deep neural nets on automatic facial expression recognition focus on a set of predefined emotion classes, where the amount of training data has the biggest impact on performance.

Facial Expression Recognition Facial Expression Recognition (FER) +1

SynDeMo: Synergistic Deep Feature Alignment for Joint Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion

no code implementations ICCV 2019 Behzad Bozorgtabar, Mohammad Saeed Rad, Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Jean-Philippe Thiran

In this work, we demonstrate the benefit of using geometric information from synthetic images, coupled with scene depth information, to recover the scale in depth and ego-motion estimation from monocular videos.

Depth Estimation Motion Estimation

SROBB: Targeted Perceptual Loss for Single Image Super-Resolution

no code implementations ICCV 2019 Mohammad Saeed Rad, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Urs-Viktor Marti, Max Basler, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Jean-Philippe Thiran

By benefiting from perceptual losses, recent studies have improved significantly the performance of the super-resolution task, where a high-resolution image is resolved from its low-resolution counterpart.

Decoder Image Super-Resolution

Benefiting from Multitask Learning to Improve Single Image Super-Resolution

no code implementations29 Jul 2019 Mohammad Saeed Rad, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Claudiu Musat, Urs-Viktor Marti, Max Basler, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Jean-Philippe Thiran

Despite significant progress toward super resolving more realistic images by deeper convolutional neural networks (CNNs), reconstructing fine and natural textures still remains a challenging problem.

Decoder Image Super-Resolution +1

Exploring Factors for Improving Low Resolution Face Recognition

no code implementations23 Jul 2019 Omid Abdollahi Aghdam, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Jean-Philippe Thiran

By leveraging this information, we have utilized deep face models trained on MS-Celeb-1M and fine-tuned on VGGFace2 dataset and achieved state-of-the-art accuracies on the SCFace and ICB-RW benchmarks, even without using any training data from the datasets of these benchmarks.

Face Recognition

Using Photorealistic Face Synthesis and Domain Adaptation to Improve Facial Expression Analysis

no code implementations17 May 2019 Behzad Bozorgtabar, Mohammad Saeed Rad, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Jean-Philippe Thiran

Moreover, we also conduct experiments on a near-infrared dataset containing facial expression videos of drivers to assess the performance using in-the-wild data for driver emotion recognition.

Attribute Domain Adaptation +3

Learn to synthesize and synthesize to learn

1 code implementation1 May 2019 Behzad Bozorgtabar, Mohammad Saeed Rad, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Jean-Philippe Thiran

To overcome these shortcomings, we propose attribute guided face image generation method using a single model, which is capable to synthesize multiple photo-realistic face images conditioned on the attributes of interest.

Attribute Data Augmentation +4

Progressive Generative Adversarial Networks for Medical Image Super resolution

no code implementations6 Feb 2019 Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Behzad Bozorgtabar

Our primary contribution is in proposing a multistage model where the output image quality of one stage is progressively improved in the next stage by using a triplet loss function.

Anatomy Image Super-Resolution +1

Efficient Active Learning for Image Classification and Segmentation using a Sample Selection and Conditional Generative Adversarial Network

no code implementations14 Jun 2018 Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Behzad Bozorgtabar, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Mauricio Reyes

Training robust deep learning (DL) systems for medical image classification or segmentation is challenging due to limited images covering different disease types and severity.

Active Learning General Classification +3

Retinal Vasculature Segmentation Using Local Saliency Maps and Generative Adversarial Networks For Image Super Resolution

no code implementations13 Oct 2017 Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Behzad Bozorgtabar

We propose an image super resolution(ISR) method using generative adversarial networks (GANs) that takes a low resolution input fundus image and generates a high resolution super resolved (SR) image upto scaling factor of $16$.

Image Super-Resolution

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