Search Results for author: Bei Wang

Found 25 papers, 8 papers with code

Representation Learning of Point Cloud Upsampling in Global and Local Inputs

no code implementations13 Jan 2025 Tongxu Zhang, Bei Wang

Experiments were conducted on a series of autoencoder-based models utilizing deep learning, yielding interpretability for both global and local inputs, and it has been proven in the results that our proposed framework can further improve the upsampling effect in previous SOTA works.

3D Reconstruction Decoder +2

NEOviz: Uncertainty-Driven Visual Analysis of Asteroid Trajectories

no code implementations5 Nov 2024 Fangfei Lan, Malin Ejdbo, Joachim Moeyens, Bei Wang, Anders Ynnerman, Alexander Bock

We introduce NEOviz, an interactive visualization system designed to assist planetary defense experts in the visual analysis of the movements of near-Earth objects in the Solar System that might prove hazardous to Earth.

Geometry of the Space of Partitioned Networks: A Unified Theoretical and Computational Framework

1 code implementation10 Sep 2024 Stephen Y Zhang, Fangfei Lan, Youjia Zhou, Agnese Barbensi, Michael P H Stumpf, Bei Wang, Tom Needham

Interactions and relations between objects may be pairwise or higher-order in nature, and so network-valued data are ubiquitous in the real world.

Dictionary Learning

In-Context Example Ordering Guided by Label Distributions

no code implementations18 Feb 2024 Zhichao Xu, Daniel Cohen, Bei Wang, Vivek Srikumar

Inspired by the idea of learning from label proportions, we propose two principles for in-context example ordering guided by model's probability predictions.

In-Context Learning text-classification +1

TROPHY: A Topologically Robust Physics-Informed Tracking Framework for Tropical Cyclones

no code implementations28 Jul 2023 Lin Yan, Hanqi Guo, Thomas Peterka, Bei Wang, Jiali Wang

In comparison with the observed tracks, we demonstrate that TROPHY can capture TC characteristics that are comparable to and sometimes even better than a well-validated TC tracking algorithm that requires multiple dynamic and thermodynamic scalar fields.

Computational Efficiency feature selection +1

Interpreting and generalizing deep learning in physics-based problems with functional linear models

1 code implementation10 Jul 2023 Amirhossein Arzani, Lingxiao Yuan, Pania Newell, Bei Wang

In this work, motivated by the field of functional data analysis (FDA), we propose generalized functional linear models as an interpretable surrogate for a trained deep learning model.

Deep Learning Operator learning

Contrastive Learning for Sleep Staging based on Inter Subject Correlation

1 code implementation5 May 2023 Tongxu Zhang, Bei Wang

In recent years, multitudes of researches have applied deep learning to automatic sleep stage classification.

Automatic Sleep Stage Classification Contrastive Learning +1

Experimental Observations of the Topology of Convolutional Neural Network Activations

no code implementations1 Dec 2022 Emilie Purvine, Davis Brown, Brett Jefferson, Cliff Joslyn, Brenda Praggastis, Archit Rathore, Madelyn Shapiro, Bei Wang, Youjia Zhou

Topological data analysis (TDA) is a branch of computational mathematics, bridging algebraic topology and data science, that provides compact, noise-robust representations of complex structures.

Image Classification Topological Data Analysis

Multilevel Robustness for 2D Vector Field Feature Tracking, Selection, and Comparison

no code implementations19 Sep 2022 Lin Yan, Paul Aaron Ullrich, Luke P. Van Roekel, Bei Wang, Hanqi Guo

However, in practice, the computation of classic robustness may produce artifacts when a critical point is close to the boundary of the domain; thus, we do not have a complete picture of the vector field behavior within its local neighborhood.

Point Tracking

The SVD of Convolutional Weights: A CNN Interpretability Framework

no code implementations14 Aug 2022 Brenda Praggastis, Davis Brown, Carlos Ortiz Marrero, Emilie Purvine, Madelyn Shapiro, Bei Wang

Fully connected layers can be studied by decomposing their weight matrices using a singular value decomposition, in effect studying the correlations between the rows in each matrix to discover the dynamics of the map.

Image Classification

Multi-Spatio-temporal Fusion Graph Recurrent Network for Traffic forecasting

no code implementations3 May 2022 Wei Zhao, Shiqi Zhang, Bing Zhou, Bei Wang

The network proposes a data-driven weighted adjacency matrix generation method to compensate for real-time spatial dependencies not reflected by the predefined adjacency matrix.

Management Time Series Analysis

STCGAT: A Spatio-temporal Causal Graph Attention Network for traffic flow prediction in Intelligent Transportation Systems

no code implementations21 Mar 2022 Wei Zhao, Shiqi Zhang, Bing Zhou, Bei Wang

Existing methods are usually based on graph neural networks using predefined spatial adjacency graphs of traffic networks to model spatial dependencies, ignoring the dynamic correlation of relationships between road nodes.

VERB: Visualizing and Interpreting Bias Mitigation Techniques for Word Representations

1 code implementation6 Apr 2021 Archit Rathore, Sunipa Dev, Jeff M. Phillips, Vivek Srikumar, Yan Zheng, Chin-Chia Michael Yeh, Junpeng Wang, Wei zhang, Bei Wang

To aid this, we present Visualization of Embedding Representations for deBiasing system ("VERB"), an open-source web-based visualization tool that helps the users gain a technical understanding and visual intuition of the inner workings of debiasing techniques, with a focus on their geometric properties.

Decision Making Dimensionality Reduction +3

Plot2API: Recommending Graphic API from Plot via Semantic Parsing Guided Neural Network

1 code implementation2 Apr 2021 Zeyu Wang, Sheng Huang, Zhongxin Liu, Meng Yan, Xin Xia, Bei Wang, Dan Yang

Considering the lack of technologies in Plot2API, we present a novel deep multi-task learning approach named Semantic Parsing Guided Neural Network (SPGNN) which translates the Plot2API issue as a multi-label image classification and an image semantic parsing tasks for the solution.

Data Augmentation Data Visualization +3

Two Problems about Monomial Bent Functions

no code implementations24 Feb 2021 Honggang Hu, Bei Wang, Xianhong Xie, Yiyuan Luo

They also proposed an open problem regarding monomial function with maximal number of bent components.

Information Theory Information Theory

Parallelizing the Unpacking and Clustering of Detector Data for Reconstruction of Charged Particle Tracks on Multi-core CPUs and Many-core GPUs

no code implementations27 Jan 2021 Giuseppe Cerati, Peter Elmer, Brian Gravelle, Matti Kortelainen, Vyacheslav Krutelyov, Steven Lantz, Mario Masciovecchio, Kevin McDermott, Boyana Norris, Allison Reinsvold Hall, Micheal Reid, Daniel Riley, Matevž Tadel, Peter Wittich, Bei Wang, Frank Würthwein, Avraham Yagil

We present results from parallelizing the unpacking and clustering steps of the raw data from the silicon strip modules for reconstruction of charged particle tracks.

High Energy Physics - Experiment Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing

Sketching Merge Trees for Scientific Data Visualization

no code implementations8 Jan 2021 Mingzhe Li, Sourabh Palande, Lin Yan, Bei Wang

That is, given a large set T of merge trees, we would like to find a much smaller basis set S such that each tree in T can be approximately reconstructed from a linear combination of merge trees in S. A set of high-dimensional vectors can be sketched via matrix sketching techniques such as principal component analysis and column subset selection.

Data Visualization

Interpreting Graph Drawing with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations2 Nov 2020 Ilkin Safarli, Youjia Zhou, Bei Wang

Applying machine learning techniques to graph drawing has become an emergent area of research in visualization.

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +2

FIS-Nets: Full-image Supervised Networks for Monocular Depth Estimation

no code implementations19 Jan 2020 Bei Wang, Jianping An

This paper addresses the importance of full-image supervision for monocular depth estimation.

Depth Completion Monocular Depth Estimation

TopoAct: Visually Exploring the Shape of Activations in Deep Learning

1 code implementation13 Dec 2019 Archit Rathore, Nithin Chalapathi, Sourabh Palande, Bei Wang

To understand how such performance is achieved, we probe a trained deep neural network by studying neuron activations, i. e., combinations of neuron firings, at various layers of the network in response to a particular input.

Anomaly Detection Deep Learning +4

Voxel-FPN: multi-scale voxel feature aggregation in 3D object detection from point clouds

no code implementations28 Jun 2019 Bei Wang, Jianping An, Jiayan Cao

Object detection in point cloud data is one of the key components in computer vision systems, especially for autonomous driving applications.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Driving +4

A Kernel for Multi-Parameter Persistent Homology

no code implementations26 Sep 2018 René Corbet, Ulderico Fugacci, Michael Kerber, Claudia Landi, Bei Wang

Topological data analysis and its main method, persistent homology, provide a toolkit for computing topological information of high-dimensional and noisy data sets.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Topological Data Analysis

Homology-Preserving Multi-Scale Graph Skeletonization Using Mapper on Graphs

3 code implementations3 Apr 2018 Paul Rosen, Mustafa Hajij, Bei Wang

Node-link diagrams are a popular method for representing graphs that capture relationships between individuals, businesses, proteins, and telecommunication endpoints.

Clustering Topological Data Analysis

Discrete Stratified Morse Theory: Algorithms and A User's Guide

2 code implementations9 Jan 2018 Kevin Knudson, Bei Wang

Inspired by the works of Forman on discrete Morse theory, which is a combinatorial adaptation to cell complexes of classical Morse theory on manifolds, we introduce a discrete analogue of the stratified Morse theory of Goresky and MacPherson.

Computational Geometry Algebraic Topology

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