Search Results for author: Benjamin Doerr

Found 92 papers, 10 papers with code

Runtime Analysis of the Compact Genetic Algorithm on the LeadingOnes Benchmark

no code implementations27 Jan 2025 Marcel Chwiałkowski, Benjamin Doerr, Martin S. Krejca

For the best hypothetical population size, our result matches, up to polylogarithmic factors, the typical quadratic runtime that many randomized search heuristics exhibit on LeadingOnes.

Speeding Up the NSGA-II With a Simple Tie-Breaking Rule

1 code implementation16 Dec 2024 Benjamin Doerr, Tudor Ivan, Martin S. Krejca

We prove that this modified NSGA-II can optimize the three benchmarks efficiently also for many objectives, in contrast to the exponential lower runtime bound previously shown for OneMinMax with three or more objectives.

Runtime Analysis for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms in Unbounded Integer Spaces

1 code implementation16 Dec 2024 Benjamin Doerr, Martin S. Krejca, Günter Rudolph

Unfortunately, the vast majority of these results regard problems with binary or continuous decision variables -- the theoretical analysis of randomized search heuristics for unbounded integer domains is almost nonexistent.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Difficulties of the NSGA-II with the Many-Objective LeadingOnes Problem

no code implementations15 Nov 2024 Benjamin Doerr, Dimitri Korkotashvili, Martin S. Krejca

The NSGA-II is the most prominent multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (cited more than 50, 000 times).

A Crowding Distance That Provably Solves the Difficulties of the NSGA-II in Many-Objective Optimization

no code implementations25 Jul 2024 Weijie Zheng, Yao Gao, Benjamin Doerr

These results suggest that our truthful version of the NSGA-II has the same good performance as the classic NSGA-II in two objectives, but can resolve the drastic problems in more than two objectives.

Proven Runtime Guarantees for How the MOEA/D Computes the Pareto Front From the Subproblem Solutions

no code implementations2 May 2024 Benjamin Doerr, Martin S. Krejca, Noé Weeks

For standard bit mutation, we prove an expected runtime of $O(n N \log n + n^{n/(2N)} N \log n)$ function evaluations.

Near-Tight Runtime Guarantees for Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

no code implementations19 Apr 2024 Simon Wietheger, Benjamin Doerr

This is the first time that such tight bounds are proven for many-objective uses of these MOEAs.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Superior Genetic Algorithms for the Target Set Selection Problem Based on Power-Law Parameter Choices and Simple Greedy Heuristics

1 code implementation5 Apr 2024 Benjamin Doerr, Martin S. Krejca, Nguyen Vu

Besides providing a superior algorithm for the TSS problem, this work shows that randomized parameter choices and elementary greedy heuristics can give better results than complex algorithms and costly parameter tuning.


A Block-Coordinate Descent EMO Algorithm: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis

no code implementations4 Apr 2024 Benjamin Doerr, Joshua Knowles, Aneta Neumann, Frank Neumann

We consider whether conditions exist under which block-coordinate descent is asymptotically efficient in evolutionary multi-objective optimization, addressing an open problem.


Already Moderate Population Sizes Provably Yield Strong Robustness to Noise

no code implementations2 Apr 2024 Denis Antipov, Benjamin Doerr, Alexandra Ivanova

The only previous result in this direction regarded the less realistic one-bit noise model, required a population size super-linear in the problem size, and proved a runtime guarantee roughly cubic in the noiseless runtime for the OneMax benchmark.

Evolutionary Algorithms

The Runtime of Random Local Search on the Generalized Needle Problem

no code implementations13 Mar 2024 Benjamin Doerr, Andrew James Kelley

In their recent work, C. Doerr and Krejca (Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2023) proved upper bounds on the expected runtime of the randomized local search heuristic on generalized Needle functions.

Runtime Analysis of the SMS-EMOA for Many-Objective Optimization

no code implementations16 Dec 2023 Weijie Zheng, Benjamin Doerr

To this aim, we first propose a many-objective counterpart, the m-objective mOJZJ, of the bi-objective OJZJ, which is the first many-objective multimodal benchmark for runtime analysis.


Bivariate Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms Can Find an Exponential Number of Optima

1 code implementation6 Oct 2023 Benjamin Doerr, Martin S. Krejca

We show that the bivariate EDA mutual-information-maximizing input clustering, without any problem-specific modification, quickly generates a model that behaves very similarly to a theoretically ideal model for EBOM, which samples each of the exponentially many optima with the same maximal probability.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Runtime Analyses of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms in the Presence of Noise

no code implementations17 May 2023 Matthieu Dinot, Benjamin Doerr, Ulysse Hennebelle, Sebastian Will

We prove that when bit-wise prior noise with rate $p \le \alpha/n$, $\alpha$ a suitable constant, is present, the \emph{simple evolutionary multi-objective optimizer} (SEMO) without any adjustments to cope with noise finds the Pareto front of the OneMinMax benchmark in time $O(n^2\log n)$, just as in the case without noise.

Evolutionary Algorithms

How Well Does the Metropolis Algorithm Cope With Local Optima?

1 code implementation21 Apr 2023 Benjamin Doerr, Taha El Ghazi El Houssaini, Amirhossein Rajabi, Carsten Witt

Even with the optimal temperature (the only parameter of the MA), the MA optimizes most cliff functions less efficiently than simple elitist evolutionary algorithms (EAs), which can only leave the local optimum by generating a superior solution possibly far away.

Evolutionary Algorithms

How the Move Acceptance Hyper-Heuristic Copes With Local Optima: Drastic Differences Between Jumps and Cliffs

no code implementations20 Apr 2023 Benjamin Doerr, Arthur Dremaux, Johannes Lutzeyer, Aurélien Stumpf

In recent work, Lissovoi, Oliveto, and Warwicker (Artificial Intelligence (2023)) proved that the Move Acceptance Hyper-Heuristic (MAHH) leaves the local optimum of the multimodal cliff benchmark with remarkable efficiency.

Evolutionary Algorithms Open-Ended Question Answering

(1+1) Genetic Programming With Functionally Complete Instruction Sets Can Evolve Boolean Conjunctions and Disjunctions with Arbitrarily Small Error

no code implementations13 Mar 2023 Benjamin Doerr, Andrei Lissovoi, Pietro S. Oliveto

Recently it has been proven that simple GP systems can efficiently evolve a conjunction of $n$ variables if they are equipped with the minimal required components.

Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms for Multi-Valued Decision Variables

no code implementations28 Feb 2023 Firas Ben Jedidia, Benjamin Doerr, Martin S. Krejca

Roughly speaking, when the variables take $r$ different values, the time for genetic drift to become significant is $r$ times shorter than in the binary case.

Lasting Diversity and Superior Runtime Guarantees for the $(μ+1)$ Genetic Algorithm

no code implementations24 Feb 2023 Benjamin Doerr, Aymen Echarghaoui, Mohammed Jamal, Martin S. Krejca

From this better understanding of the population diversity, we obtain stronger runtime guarantees, among them the statement that for all $c\ln(n)\le\mu \le n/\log n$, with $c$ a suitable constant, the runtime of the $(\mu+1)$ GA on $\mathrm{Jump}_k$, with $k \ge 3$, is $O(n^{k-1})$.

Diversity Evolutionary Algorithms

Fourier Analysis Meets Runtime Analysis: Precise Runtimes on Plateaus

no code implementations16 Feb 2023 Benjamin Doerr, Andrew James Kelley

We also use this method to analyze the runtime of the $(1+1)$ evolutionary algorithm on a new benchmark consisting of $n/\ell$ plateaus of effective size $2^\ell-1$ which have to be optimized sequentially in a LeadingOnes fashion.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Runtime Analysis for the NSGA-II: Proving, Quantifying, and Explaining the Inefficiency For Many Objectives

no code implementations23 Nov 2022 Weijie Zheng, Benjamin Doerr

The NSGA-II is one of the most prominent algorithms to solve multi-objective optimization problems.

A Mathematical Runtime Analysis of the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III (NSGA-III)

1 code implementation15 Nov 2022 Simon Wietheger, Benjamin Doerr

In this work, we provide the first mathematical runtime analysis of the NSGA-III, a refinement of the NSGA-II aimed at better handling more than two objectives.

The $(1+(λ,λ))$ Global SEMO Algorithm

no code implementations7 Oct 2022 Benjamin Doerr, Omar El Hadri, Adrien Pinard

The $(1+(\lambda,\lambda))$ genetic algorithm is a recently proposed single-objective evolutionary algorithm with several interesting properties.

From Understanding the Population Dynamics of the NSGA-II to the First Proven Lower Bounds

no code implementations28 Sep 2022 Benjamin Doerr, Zhongdi Qu

Due to the more complicated population dynamics of the NSGA-II, none of the existing runtime guarantees for this algorithm is accompanied by a non-trivial lower bound.

Runtime Analysis for the NSGA-II: Provable Speed-Ups From Crossover

no code implementations18 Aug 2022 Benjamin Doerr, Zhongdi Qu

Very recently, the first mathematical runtime analyses for the NSGA-II, the most common multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, have been conducted.

Runtime Analysis for Permutation-based Evolutionary Algorithms

no code implementations5 Jul 2022 Benjamin Doerr, Yassine Ghannane, Marouane Ibn Brahim

We observe that it not only leads to simpler proofs, but also reduces the runtime on jump functions with odd jump size by a factor of $\Theta(n)$.

Evolutionary Algorithms

General Univariate Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms

no code implementations22 Jun 2022 Benjamin Doerr, Marc Dufay

We propose a general formulation of a univariate estimation-of-distribution algorithm (EDA).

Incremental Learning

From Understanding Genetic Drift to a Smart-Restart Mechanism for Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms

no code implementations18 Jun 2022 Weijie Zheng, Benjamin Doerr

Building on a recent quantitative analysis of how the population size leads to genetic drift, we design a smart-restart mechanism for EDAs.

Combinatorial Optimization

Automated Algorithm Selection for Radar Network Configuration

no code implementations7 May 2022 Quentin Renau, Johann Dreo, Alain Peres, Yann Semet, Carola Doerr, Benjamin Doerr

The exact modeling of these instances is complex, as the quality of the configurations depends on a large number of parameters, on internal radar processing, and on the terrains on which the radars need to be placed.

A First Runtime Analysis of the NSGA-II on a Multimodal Problem

no code implementations28 Apr 2022 Benjamin Doerr, Zhongdi Qu

Very recently, the first mathematical runtime analyses of the multi-objective evolutionary optimizer NSGA-II have been conducted.

Towards a Stronger Theory for Permutation-based Evolutionary Algorithms

no code implementations15 Apr 2022 Benjamin Doerr, Yassine Ghannane, Marouane Ibn Brahim

We observe that it not only leads to simpler proofs, but also reduces the runtime on jump functions with odd jump size by a factor of $\Theta(n)$.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Simulated Annealing is a Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

no code implementations5 Apr 2022 Benjamin Doerr, Amirhossein Rajabi, Carsten Witt

We prove that Simulated Annealing with an appropriate cooling schedule computes arbitrarily tight constant-factor approximations to the minimum spanning tree problem in polynomial time.

Approximation Guarantees for the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II)

no code implementations5 Mar 2022 Weijie Zheng, Benjamin Doerr

In this work, we study how well it approximates the Pareto front when the population size is smaller.

Mathematical Proofs

Stagnation Detection Meets Fast Mutation

no code implementations28 Jan 2022 Benjamin Doerr, Amirhossein Rajabi

Two mechanisms have recently been proposed that can significantly speed up finding distant improving solutions via mutation, namely using a random mutation rate drawn from a heavy-tailed distribution ("fast mutation", Doerr et al. (2017)) and increasing the mutation strength based on stagnation detection (Rajabi and Witt (2020)).

Mathematical Runtime Analysis for the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II)

1 code implementation16 Dec 2021 Weijie Zheng, Benjamin Doerr

The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) is the most intensively used multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) in real-world applications.

Choosing the Right Algorithm With Hints From Complexity Theory

no code implementations14 Sep 2021 Shouda Wang, Weijie Zheng, Benjamin Doerr

Our finding that the unary unbiased black-box complexity is only $O(n^2)$ suggests the Metropolis algorithm as an interesting candidate and we prove that it solves the DLB problem in quadratic time.

Evolutionary Algorithms

An Extended Jump Functions Benchmark for the Analysis of Randomized Search Heuristics

no code implementations7 May 2021 Henry Bambury, Antoine Bultel, Benjamin Doerr

We prove that several previous results extend to this more general class: for all {$k \le \frac{n^{1/3}}{\ln{n}}$} and $\delta < k$, the optimal mutation rate for the $(1+1)$~EA is $\frac{\delta}{n}$, and the fast $(1+1)$~EA runs faster than the classical $(1+1)$~EA by a factor super-exponential in $\delta$.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Lazy Parameter Tuning and Control: Choosing All Parameters Randomly From a Power-Law Distribution

no code implementations14 Apr 2021 Denis Antipov, Maxim Buzdalov, Benjamin Doerr

On the other hand, this algorithm is also very efficient on jump functions, where the best static parameters are very different from those necessary to optimize simple problems.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Lower Bounds from Fitness Levels Made Easy

no code implementations7 Apr 2021 Benjamin Doerr, Timo Kötzing

One of the first and easy to use techniques for proving run time bounds for evolutionary algorithms is the so-called method of fitness levels by Wegener.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Theoretical Analyses of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms on Multimodal Objectives

no code implementations14 Dec 2020 Weijie Zheng, Benjamin Doerr

As a first step towards a deeper understanding of how evolutionary algorithms solve multimodal multiobjective problems, we propose the OJZJ problem, a bi-objective problem composed of two objectives isomorphic to the classic jump function benchmark.

2k Evolutionary Algorithms +1

The Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm Copes Well With Deception and Epistasis

no code implementations16 Jul 2020 Benjamin Doerr, Martin S. Krejca

In their recent work, Lehre and Nguyen (FOGA 2019) show that the univariate marginal distribution algorithm (UMDA) needs time exponential in the parent populations size to optimize the DeceptiveLeadingBlocks (DLB) problem.

Evolutionary Algorithms

First Steps Towards a Runtime Analysis When Starting With a Good Solution

no code implementations22 Jun 2020 Denis Antipov, Maxim Buzdalov, Benjamin Doerr

The mathematical runtime analysis of evolutionary algorithms traditionally regards the time an algorithm needs to find a solution of a certain quality when initialized with a random population.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Exploratory Landscape Analysis is Strongly Sensitive to the Sampling Strategy

no code implementations19 Jun 2020 Quentin Renau, Carola Doerr, Johann Dreo, Benjamin Doerr

While, not unexpectedly, increasing the number of sample points gives more robust estimates for the feature values, to our surprise we find that the feature value approximations for different sampling strategies do not converge to the same value.

General Classification

Runtime Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms via Symmetry Arguments

no code implementations8 Jun 2020 Benjamin Doerr

We use an elementary argument building on group actions to prove that the selection-free steady state genetic algorithm analyzed by Sutton and Witt (GECCO 2019) takes an expected number of $\Omega(2^n / \sqrt n)$ iterations to find any particular target search point.

Evolutionary Algorithms valid

Runtime Analysis of a Heavy-Tailed $(1+(λ,λ))$ Genetic Algorithm on Jump Functions

no code implementations5 Jun 2020 Denis Antipov, Benjamin Doerr

To obtain this performance, however, a non-standard parameter setting depending on the jump size $k$ was used.

Lower Bounds for Non-Elitist Evolutionary Algorithms via Negative Multiplicative Drift

no code implementations2 May 2020 Benjamin Doerr

We discuss in more detail Lehre's (PPSN 2010) \emph{negative drift in populations} method, one of the most general tools to prove lower bounds on the runtime of non-elitist mutation-based evolutionary algorithms for discrete search spaces.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Fixed-Target Runtime Analysis

no code implementations20 Apr 2020 Maxim Buzdalov, Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr, Dmitry Vinokurov

In this work, we conduct an in-depth study on the advantages and the limitations of fixed-target analyses.

Evolutionary Algorithms

From Understanding Genetic Drift to a Smart-Restart Parameter-less Compact Genetic Algorithm

no code implementations15 Apr 2020 Benjamin Doerr, Weijie Zheng

One of the key difficulties in using estimation-of-distribution algorithms is choosing the population size(s) appropriately: Too small values lead to genetic drift, which can cause enormous difficulties.

A Rigorous Runtime Analysis of the $(1 + (λ, λ))$ GA on Jump Functions

no code implementations14 Apr 2020 Denis Antipov, Benjamin Doerr, Vitalii Karavaev

In this work, we conduct the first runtime analysis of this algorithm on a multimodal problem class, the jump functions benchmark.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Fast Mutation in Crossover-based Algorithms

1 code implementation14 Apr 2020 Denis Antipov, Maxim Buzdalov, Benjamin Doerr

In this first runtime analysis of a crossover-based algorithm using a heavy-tailed choice of the mutation rate, we show an even stronger impact.

Exponential Upper Bounds for the Runtime of Randomized Search Heuristics

no code implementations13 Apr 2020 Benjamin Doerr

We argue that proven exponential upper bounds on runtimes, an established area in classic algorithms, are interesting also in heuristic search and we prove several such results.

A Simplified Run Time Analysis of the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm on LeadingOnes

no code implementations10 Apr 2020 Benjamin Doerr, Martin Krejca

With elementary means, we prove a stronger run time guarantee for the univariate marginal distribution algorithm (UMDA) optimizing the LeadingOnes benchmark function in the desirable regime with low genetic drift.

Does Comma Selection Help To Cope With Local Optima

no code implementations2 Apr 2020 Benjamin Doerr

This is the first runtime result for a non-elitist algorithm on a multi-modal problem that is tight apart from lower order terms.

Optimization of Chance-Constrained Submodular Functions

no code implementations26 Nov 2019 Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr, Aneta Neumann, Frank Neumann, Andrew M. Sutton

In this paper, we investigate submodular optimization problems with chance constraints.

Sharp Bounds for Genetic Drift in Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

no code implementations31 Oct 2019 Benjamin Doerr, Weijie Zheng

This paper further proves that for PBIL with parameters $\mu$, $\lambda$, and $\rho$, in an expected number of $\Theta(\mu/\rho^2)$ iterations the sampling frequency of a neutral bit leaves the interval $[\Theta(\rho/\mu), 1-\Theta(\rho/\mu)]$ and then always the same value is sampled for this bit, that is, the frequency approaches the corresponding boundary value with maximum speed.

Evolutionary Algorithms

The Runtime of the Compact Genetic Algorithm on Jump Functions

no code implementations18 Aug 2019 Benjamin Doerr

We prove that any choice of the hypothetical population size leads to a runtime that, with high probability, is at least exponential in the jump size $k$.

4k Evolutionary Algorithms

An Exponential Lower Bound for the Runtime of the cGA on Jump Functions

no code implementations17 Apr 2019 Benjamin Doerr

In this work, we show that any choice of the hypothetical population size leads to a runtime that, with high probability, is at least exponential in the jump size.

The Efficiency Threshold for the Offspring Population Size of the ($μ$, $λ$) EA

no code implementations15 Apr 2019 Denis Antipov, Benjamin Doerr, Quentin Yang

Understanding when evolutionary algorithms are efficient or not, and how they efficiently solve problems, is one of the central research tasks in evolutionary computation.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Multiplicative Up-Drift

no code implementations11 Apr 2019 Benjamin Doerr, Timo Kötzing

Drift analysis aims at translating the expected progress of an evolutionary algorithm (or more generally, a random process) into a probabilistic guarantee on its run time (hitting time).

Evolutionary Algorithms

Evolving Boolean Functions with Conjunctions and Disjunctions via Genetic Programming

no code implementations28 Mar 2019 Benjamin Doerr, Andrei Lissovoi, Pietro S. Oliveto

Recently it has been proved that simple GP systems can efficiently evolve the conjunction of $n$ variables if they are equipped with the minimal required components.

A Tight Runtime Analysis for the cGA on Jump Functions---EDAs Can Cross Fitness Valleys at No Extra Cost

no code implementations26 Mar 2019 Benjamin Doerr

We prove that the compact genetic algorithm (cGA) with hypothetical population size $\mu = \Omega(\sqrt n \log n) \cap \text{poly}(n)$ with high probability finds the optimum of any $n$-dimensional jump function with jump size $k < \frac 1 {20} \ln n$ in $O(\mu \sqrt n)$ iterations.

Evolutionary Algorithms valid

Self-Adjusting Mutation Rates with Provably Optimal Success Rules

1 code implementation7 Feb 2019 Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr, Johannes Lengler

The one-fifth success rule is one of the best-known and most widely accepted techniques to control the parameters of evolutionary algorithms.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Fast Re-Optimization via Structural Diversity

no code implementations1 Feb 2019 Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr, Frank Neumann

We propose a simple diversity mechanism that prevents this behavior, thereby reducing the re-optimization time for LeadingOnes to $O(\gamma\delta n)$, where $\gamma$ is the population size used by the diversity mechanism and $\delta \le \gamma$ the Hamming distance of the new optimum from the previous solution.

Diversity Evolutionary Algorithms

A Tight Runtime Analysis for the $(μ+ λ)$ EA

no code implementations28 Dec 2018 Denis Antipov, Benjamin Doerr

In this work, we analyze this long-standing problem and show the asymptotically tight result that the runtime $T$, the number of iterations until the optimum is found, satisfies \[E[T] = \Theta\bigg(\frac{n\log n}{\lambda}+\frac{n}{\lambda / \mu} + \frac{n\log^+\log^+ \lambda/ \mu}{\log^+ \lambda / \mu}\bigg),\] where $\log^+ x := \max\{1, \log x\}$ for all $x > 0$.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Working Principles of Binary Differential Evolution

no code implementations9 Dec 2018 Benjamin Doerr, Weijie Zheng

On the technical side, we observe that the strong stochastic dependencies in the random experiment describing a run of BDE prevent us from proving all desired results with the mathematical rigor that was successfully used in the analysis of other evolutionary algorithms.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Runtime Analysis for Self-adaptive Mutation Rates

no code implementations30 Nov 2018 Benjamin Doerr, Carsten Witt, Jing Yang

We propose and analyze a self-adaptive version of the $(1,\lambda)$ evolutionary algorithm in which the current mutation rate is part of the individual and thus also subject to mutation.

Significance-based Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms

no code implementations10 Jul 2018 Benjamin Doerr, Martin Krejca

Estimation-of-distribution algorithms (EDAs) are randomized search heuristics that create a probabilistic model of the solution space, which is updated iteratively, based on the quality of the solutions sampled according to the model.

Optimal Parameter Choices via Precise Black-Box Analysis

no code implementations9 Jul 2018 Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr, Jing Yang

It has been observed that some working principles of evolutionary algorithms, in particular, the influence of the parameters, cannot be understood from results on the asymptotic order of the runtime, but only from more precise results.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Bounding Bloat in Genetic Programming

no code implementations6 Jun 2018 Benjamin Doerr, Timo Kötzing, J. A. Gregor Lagodzinski, Johannes Lengler

While many optimization problems work with a fixed number of decision variables and thus a fixed-length representation of possible solutions, genetic programming (GP) works on variable-length representations.

Precise Runtime Analysis for Plateau Functions

no code implementations4 Jun 2018 Denis Antipov, Benjamin Doerr

To gain a better theoretical understanding of how evolutionary algorithms (EAs) cope with plateaus of constant fitness, we propose the $n$-dimensional Plateau$_k$ function as natural benchmark and analyze how different variants of the $(1 + 1)$ EA optimize it.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Theory of Parameter Control for Discrete Black-Box Optimization: Provable Performance Gains Through Dynamic Parameter Choices

no code implementations16 Apr 2018 Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr

Parameter control aims at realizing performance gains through a dynamic choice of the parameters which determine the behavior of the underlying optimization algorithm.

Evolutionary Algorithms General Classification

Probabilistic Tools for the Analysis of Randomized Optimization Heuristics

no code implementations20 Jan 2018 Benjamin Doerr

This chapter collects several probabilistic tools that proved to be useful in the analysis of randomized search heuristics.

Better Runtime Guarantees Via Stochastic Domination

no code implementations13 Jan 2018 Benjamin Doerr

Apart from few exceptions, the mathematical runtime analysis of evolutionary algorithms is mostly concerned with expected runtimes.

Evolutionary Algorithms

An Elementary Analysis of the Probability That a Binomial Random Variable Exceeds Its Expectation

no code implementations1 Dec 2017 Benjamin Doerr

We give an elementary proof of the fact that a binomial random variable $X$ with parameters $n$ and $0. 29/n \le p < 1$ with probability at least $1/4$ strictly exceeds its expectation.

Runtime Analysis of the $(1+(λ,λ))$ Genetic Algorithm on Random Satisfiable 3-CNF Formulas

no code implementations14 Apr 2017 Maxim Buzdalov, Benjamin Doerr

We show that this problem can be overcome by equipping the self-adjusting GA with an upper limit for the population size.

Evolutionary Algorithms

The (1+$λ$) Evolutionary Algorithm with Self-Adjusting Mutation Rate

no code implementations7 Apr 2017 Benjamin Doerr, Christian Gießen, Carsten Witt, Jing Yang

We propose a new way to self-adjust the mutation rate in population-based evolutionary algorithms in discrete search spaces.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Fast Genetic Algorithms

2 code implementations9 Mar 2017 Benjamin Doerr, Huu Phuoc Le, Régis Makhmara, Ta Duy Nguyen

We prove that the $(1+1)$ EA with this heavy-tailed mutation rate optimizes any $\jump_{m, n}$ function in a time that is only a small polynomial (in~$m$) factor above the one stemming from the optimal rate for this $m$.

Optimal Parameter Settings for the $(1+(λ, λ))$ Genetic Algorithm

no code implementations4 Apr 2016 Benjamin Doerr

The $(1+(\lambda,\lambda))$ genetic algorithm is one of the few algorithms for which a super-constant speed-up through the use of crossover could be proven.

A Tight Runtime Analysis of the $(1+(λ, λ))$ Genetic Algorithm on OneMax

no code implementations19 Jun 2015 Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr

We first improve the upper bound on the runtime to $O(\max\{n\log(n)/\lambda, n\lambda \log\log(\lambda)/\log(\lambda)\})$.

Solving Problems with Unknown Solution Length at (Almost) No Extra Cost

no code implementations19 Jun 2015 Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr, Timo Kötzing

For their setting, in which the solution length is sampled from a geometric distribution, we provide mutation rates that yield an expected optimization time that is of the same order as that of the (1+1) EA knowing the solution length.

Optimising Spatial and Tonal Data for PDE-based Inpainting

no code implementations15 Jun 2015 Laurent Hoeltgen, Markus Mainberger, Sebastian Hoffmann, Joachim Weickert, Ching Hoo Tang, Simon Setzer, Daniel Johannsen, Frank Neumann, Benjamin Doerr

Moreover, is more generic than other data optimisation approaches for the sparse inpainting problem, since it can also be extended to nonlinear inpainting operators such as EED.

Image Compression

Optimal Parameter Choices Through Self-Adjustment: Applying the 1/5-th Rule in Discrete Settings

no code implementations13 Apr 2015 Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr

While evolutionary algorithms are known to be very successful for a broad range of applications, the algorithm designer is often left with many algorithmic choices, for example, the size of the population, the mutation rates, and the crossover rates of the algorithm.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Unbiased Black-Box Complexities of Jump Functions

no code implementations30 Mar 2014 Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr, Timo Kötzing

We analyze the unbiased black-box complexity of jump functions with small, medium, and large sizes of the fitness plateau surrounding the optimal solution.

Collecting Coupons with Random Initial Stake

no code implementations29 Aug 2013 Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr

Motivated by a problem in the theory of randomized search heuristics, we give a very precise analysis for the coupon collector problem where the collector starts with a random set of coupons (chosen uniformly from all sets).

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